Archive for the 'Movie/Anime/Game Review' Category

To All Final Fantasy Fans!!!

Mesti liat ini deh!!!!!!!!!!! and mesti sampe habis coz there is an epic ending!!! wkwkwkwkwkkwkwkww

I found this so hilarious.. karena yg nyanyi itu seekor burung. You know, chocobo = bird too… kekekekeeke

Bagi yg bukan Final Fantasy fans,.. here is the bonus video supaya kalian lebih ngerti.. hehehe. The video of compilations of Chocobos and theme songnya.


Brondong = mimisan

Gue abis nonton Japanese Drama judulnya Aishiteru. Biasanya sih gue paling anti ama drama2 jepang/korea. Storynya tipikal abis, dah gitu isinya kebanyakan cuma nangis2 ga jelas. Bete ngeliatnya.

Tadi gue pas lagi nyari2 anime buat ditonton, my usual anime website nge-recommend that drama. Gue lumayan tertarik karena ada tulisannya ‘It will blow ur mind’. So yah gue tonton loh, sampe the latest episode.

And conclusion?

I like it!!!

Ini gambarnya…


Ceritanya a bit different dari any other drama. Lebih ttg family and kasih ibu. Salah satu anak laki2 digambar itu, killed another boy. The killer masih umur 10 taon, tapi he killed anak TK. Wah pokoknya menarik sih ceritanya.

At first kita smua ga tau knapa si Tomoya, (that killer kid), bunuh si anak TK. But the episodes slowly unveil bit by bit lah. Skarang sih lagi mulai ketauan knapa.

And this drama ssssoooo break my heart!!! (pardon my english). Ga kayak typical2 Japanese drama yg sering dibuat2 banget mancing air matanya, Aishiteru lumayan bikin gue nangis beberapa kali. Karena ttg relationship between ibu dan anak.

Gue bisa ngerasaaain sakitnya mannnnn!!! AUEhAUheuaHeae. Padahal punya anak beneran aja belon.

It is so heartbreaking, ngeliat yg dialami Tomoya, his family and the victim’s family. Nonton drama ini, naluri keibuan gue bener2 bangkit and ga tegaaaaaaa banget pokoknyaaaaa daaaaaahhh. Hati gue rasanya diremes2 gitu. Aih…

Pokoknya patut ditonton. Ada sih some parts yg bagi gue rada2 annoying, kayak pas nyokap victimnya nangis2 etc etc. Part2 itu gue cepetin smua HAEUhAUEhAUEh, karena tipikal sih.

Kalo mo nonton, silakan click here. Ada sampe latest episode, yaitu episode 4.

Nah si Tomoya itu ya, lama2 diliat kok jadi guantenggggggg!!!! Padahal masih umur 10!!!

Nama aslinya Kakazu Issei.

Ini screenshots yg gue ambil from the movie..



Bayangin aja tampang kayak gitu bisa membunuh anak TK????????? Gmana gue ga ketar ketir ngeliatnya!!!! But he did kill him… hiks hiks..

Aduh, killer tampang kayak gitu mah pingin gue bawa pulangggggg!!!!!! 😛

Trus this little boy reminds me of another Japanese child actor, yg sempat steal my heart too. Yg maen di pilem  ‘Nobody Knows’, namanya Yuya Yagira.

Ini ceritanya juga bagus dan unik, meskipun at the end agak lebay. Storynya based a bit on a true story. This family consists of 4 children and nyokapnya. One day, tiba2 nyokapnya ninggalin mereka, but left some cash for them. And mereka tinggal di apartment, yg even the landlord ga tau that these children exist in this building. So saat mereka ditinggal nyokapnya, anak2 ini harus survive on their own. Very interesting sih.

Mao nonton??? Click here..

Hehehe. Blog gue jadi sarana buat nonton gratis banyak movie.. kekekekek

Ah I’m a sucker for movies yg ada anak kecilnya. Yg model2 survival gitu lah.

Nah gue mo ngomongin si Yuya Yagira…

DIA KEREN BOK pas dimovienya. Matanya itu loh gue ga kuat!!! So tajam!! Dan dia pas maen movie itu baru umur 13.


Yg dikiri itu scene dia dimovienya.



Tadi gue kubek2 google buat nyari poto dia. And I found this below!!!!


OH MY DEAR GOD!!! MANA TAHANNNNNNNN!!!!!! *kipas2 kepanasan*

Aduh gue suka banget ama yg matanya tajam, alis tajam, idung tajam. Kayak animeeeee!!!! HEuAHEuAHEuAHEuAHEuAHE

Knapa skarang brondong nya guanteng guantengggg!!!! Kebanyakan gisi ye!!!!!!

Si Issei tadi umur 10, dan si Yagira pas itu umur 13!!!

Oh no!!! Apakah lama-lama gue jadi pedophile!?!?!?!?!?!

maybe that’s why gue di youth… hmmmmmm

Hantu buatan Indonesia

Dapet ide bikin post ini dari blognya si Radith Dika.. hehe..

Gue mao bahas hantu2 yg berwarga-negara Indonesia.

Btw, gue sebelum bikin ini blog kan gue do some research di google. Sempet merinding2 juga…  ngeliat yg aneh2 kekekekeke 😛

So here we go…


1. Nyi Roro Kidul

Siapakah dia?

Legenda mengatakan dia tuh seorang ratu yg menguasai Laut Selatan yg located di Jawa Tengah. Jadi penghuni alias setannya lah. Nah ini cewe unik banget, dia tuh suka banget ama yg namanya warna ijo and demen nenggelamin orang2 terutama cowo2 ganteng. Buat dijadiin piaraannya/pet lover di alam sana atau buat diramein kerajaan bawah laut nya. Gue bilang sih ini hantu cewe yg gatel banget. Sukanya ama brondong…

Makanya ada kepercayaan di Indo, kalo ke laut ini jangan pake baju ijo atau kalau kamu cowo ganteng, berhati2 lah karena ntar disamber ama Nyi Roro Kidul and ga bakal bisa balik ke dunia lagi.

Hmmm.. kalo gitu sih Budi aman2 aja. No worries Bud!

2. Sundel Bolong

Ceritanya dia tuh cewe yg mati penasaran, and dia jadi setan wanita yg pake baju putih2 dan punggungnya bolong.

Nah kalo ini gue paling serem ama dia waktu gue kecil. Gue inget satu scene di pilemnya dimana si setan muterin kepalanya 360 derajat, dan gue sampe terkencing2 nontonnya hUAEHuAHEuaE.. Dulu lah waktu gue kecil. Ini setan jaman jebot.

Pas gue cari2 di google, eh ketemu video jaman jebotnya. Inget kan original pilem Sundel Bolong yg dimainin ama si Suzzanna… kekekkkeke..

Gue sempet merinding2 juga nonton ini lagi, cuma gara2 ingetan masa kecil aja sih. Tapi skarang pas nonton lagi, gue bilang si Suzzanna nya ga serem ah, malah cantik banget and gue terpana ama make up alisnya!!! haeuhaUEhaHEauee

Here’s the cuplikan videonya..

3. Suster Ngesot

Ini suster terkenal sejak muncul pertama kali di pilem Jelangkung. Ceritanya, pas di rumah sakit lagi tugas, dia diperkosa dan dibunuh. And kakinya dipatahin or something. (Btw, knapa setan cewe indo kebanyakan cerita nya selalu diperkosa?) So dia akhirnya berubah jadi setan, yaitu the famous suster ngesot.

And gue bingung knapa orang2 takut ama suster ngesot! Please lah.. dia cuma bisa ngesot gituuuuuuuuu. Jalannya cuma 1 meter dalam 1menit kali… bagi gue ini setan yg paling useless. Cuma bagus buat ngepel lantai. And menurut gue, kecoak lebih menyeramkan dari dia karena kecoak jalannya jauh lebih cepet and bisa terbang lagi!

Bagaimana cara mengalahkan setan suster ngesot?

Cukup naik sepeda motor saja.

And guess what!!! Mengikuti jejak penyanyi terkenal Puff Daddy yg sejak dia jadi famous, dia merubah namanya menjadi P. Diddy, Suster Ngesot pun tidak mao kalah dengan mengeluarkan pilem baru dengan nama barunya yg jauh lebih funky!!!…

yaitu ….

YOYOYO!!! Call my name yo!! I’m Suster N!!!!! N is in the house!!! yoyoyo!!!


4. Leak

No… ini bukan ttg pipa bocor. Tapi Leak adalah nama satu setan yg cuma ada di Bali. Menurut penduduk Bali, Leak ini adalah jelmaan orang sakti alias dukun. Kalau malam, kepala setan Leak akan melayang2 mencari manusia untuk dihisap darahnya.

Leak ini katanya bisa berubah2 bentuknya. Dia bisa berubah jadi pohon, binatang, atau orang ( wah.. jadi Andy Lau bisa donk?). Nah yg keren, kata penduduk Bali, Leak juga bisa berubah jadi mobil!!!!!! WAHHHHHHH… saingannya Transformers!!!!!

5. Pocong

Ini adalah mayat yg dikubur secara Muslim. Diiket ama kain putih semacem kayak guling. Nah pocong itu semacem zombie ala Indo. Keluar dari kuburan gitu deh.

Ini poto pocong Indo…  (sengaja gue kecilin karena blog gue yg baca banyak anak2 youth yg ga tahan liat2 ginian.. kekekekke… terutama Carin)


And below… this is pocong ala bule…


6. Genderuwo

Ini hantu yg mirip kera besar. Yg sukanya tinggal di pohon2 gede. Tubuhnya besar banget and berbulu lebat.

Gue coba cari potonya di google, tapi ga ada..

Jadi ya kira2 seperti ini lah modelnya genderuwo itu…


And guess what lagih!!! Pas gue do reseach for this post, gue found out kalo Indo nguarin beberapa horror movies yg judulnya luar biasa menakjubkan!!!!

1. Hantu Perawan Jeruk Purut

HEuAHEuAHEuAHEuaHe kalo di translatin ke english jadi ‘virgin ghost of citrus fruit’? HAUEhuAEHAUEHuAEHuAEHuAEHuAEAE

Here is the poster.. tapi karena gue sayang ama Carin, maka gue tutupin bagian2 seremnya….


2. Hantu Jamu Gendong

HueahAUEhAUEHuAEHuaEh what the…

Pilem ini katanya lagi dibuat, so gue ga bisa dapet posternya…

Tapi sepertinya Hantu Jamu Gendong itu mungkin bisa dibilang kayak gini lah modelnya…



(Btw, bagi para pembaca yg ga ngerti the story behind that last pic.. Itu adalah foto salah satu anak gereja kita yg waktu drama jadi penjual jamu… kekekkekeke)

Anime worth watching

Time for my Anime Review 2008!!!



Ok, I admit. This anime has been around for quite sometime, but it’s still worth mentioning! Until now I haven’t found any other anime as excellent as Death Note.

Please, i beg u, dont watch the live-action movie!! Both episodes suck big time. I truly hate them to the core!! HAUEhAUEhuAEe.. I heard the manga is good, but to me, anime is still the best. So please dont watch the live action movies, they don’t come close to the originals. They miss some crucial points here and there, so not worth watching. 😛

An extremely intellegent young man named Light Yagami comes across one book, called Death Note. When a human’s name is written within it, that person shall die. So Light uses this book to make him as a God, judging who are worthy to live in this world and who are not. People fear this so-called God, cause people can just drop dead anywhere any second. So the authorities form a special unit, led by another intellegent young man called L, to find out and stop all the chaos.  This anime is a game of cat and mouse. A battle of intellegence and wits.

Why I like it so much?
The things that Light and L do to outshine each other will bring you to the edge of your seat. In my opinion, no other anime is this smart. You will never guess the next action or the next turn of the story. Many twists. Definitely my kind of anime. This is the first time I actually cheer on the bad guy, Light. He is THAT good  😛


I don’t really like romance, but this one exceeds my expectation. Funny as hell.

A story about a schoolgirl who is in love with a guy who is way shorter than her. The things that she does to impress or steal his heart are just hilarous. It does have some cliche and sad moments but the funny parts are too great to be missed! Well, to tell u the truth, I admit that I found this anime kinda romantic 😛  …. *ok move on*


Good looking vampires!!!!!!


If vampires are this good looking, I dont mind them biting me EhuaEHAUEHuAHE … (*gigit deh gigittttttt!!!* 😛 )

Other than the looks, this anime is pretty entertaining. I like the way/the system of the vampire hierarchy in the story. Did give me goosebumps here and there. Story about a school which is divided into two classes. Day Class and Night Class. The Day Class consists of normal humans, and none of them know that, the night class consists of…, yeah you guessed it, – vampires.

Other than the usual pleasing-to-the-eyes characters, the story does have some depth in it. The mysteries surrounding several of the main characters are slowly unfolded one by one. I’m very interested in Kaname, who is the leader of the Vampire pack in the Night Class as he is a very mysterious, possessing powers that we haven’t seen fully exposed yet. I also felt some kind of awe of him. I don’t know yet if he will end up to be the good guy or the bad guy.

Anyway this anime has two season. First season has just ended, second season will come out in October 2008. Can’t wait.


This anime kicks butt!!! hehehehe.. Don’t be deceived by the sweet innocent look of the characters. 😀

Higurashi has two seasons as well. First season will mess up your head. When I first watched it, I was like “WHOA!! What the… ” throughout the series. Very confusing, but too engaging not to continue with the rest.

*spoiler ahead* (will try not to give out too much)
The first season actually tells four arc stories. So, for example,  if someone dies in the first 4 episodes, he/she will still be alive in the next 4 episodes or so. And more often than not, the story will be completely different but with the same characters. Very confusing, yes, but this is all worth it. You will understand the reason beyond all the confusing storyplot in the second season. And you will be amazed how each storyline, eventhough they may seem to be completely different from each other, they are actually intertwined and serve a specific purpose. Highly recommended for those who like gripping and surprising plot. Very bloody anime though 😀 Got to have a strong stomach watching it.


Another hilarious anime! But also sweet 🙂


A young schoolgirl is mistaken as a boy when she joins a new school. Because of some circumstances, she has to join a club called Ouran Host Club, consisting 6 extremely attractive young men. There, she gains reputation as a cute boy and has to ‘serve’ girls who come to the club and wanting to be entertained by the hosts. Each host has different qualities that make them stand out from the rest and make the girls go crazy over them. For example, one of the character, Mitzukuni, is the most adorable host. He looks like an elementary school kid, loves cute things, carrying bunny soft toy everywhere. But girls just LOVE him for his kawaii-ness factor.

If you have a bad day, this is a perfect anime to watch…



I can’t explain it any better than this (taken from Wikipedia)

Each of the stories in the series involves several unrelated plots intersecting and crossing each other as events spiral further and further out of control. Immortal alchemists, mafias, and many other elements of pulp fiction mashed together for a world straight out of the movies.

In 1711, a group of alchemists seeking eternal life gathered on a boat to summon the “demon” that held the secret. The demon agreed to give them what they wanted—an elixir of life, the method to create more, and the secret to ending their new-found existence. The following night, alchemists began disappearing, “eaten” by one of their own. Realizing the threat posed by being close together, they decided to scatter across the world.

Centuries later, the immortals have come together once again, and the “stupid commotion” starts.

The anime consists of a lot of characters with unique qualities. I especially love these two characters, Isaac and Miria. We call them idiot-thief. Very2 funny couple. For me, these two alone are the top comedians in the whole anime kingdom. 😛 . They are way funnier than Tenma and the gank of School Rumble hehe..

The story may be weird at first, but just hang on 🙂

BACCANO! is in my top 10 anime list of all time!!


Quite interesting anime. The story sometimes kinda slow though, but it’s alright. I like the point that the series consist of different short stories. So one episode one story kinda thing. It’s not too deep to think about yet still manage to deliver horror.

A website called Hell Correspondence has the power to seek revenge for those who felt that they deserve to kill their tormentor. They can just type in the name of the person they wish to kill. It may sound weird, but this website will alert the Hell Girl to act on their revenge. But the one who uses this website, will have to enter a pact where their soul, in time of their death, will go straight to hell.

Quite entertaining to watch.


Love this anime too!
A slight disappointment with the ending as I was expecting more. If only the writer spent some more time developing the final ending, no doubt, has the potential to be better and bigger.

But nevertheless, it was an entertaining rollercoaster ride.

Two brothers are cast away/sold by their family to some research organization as they both possess some supernatural abilities. Fifteen years later, they escape and thus their journey discovering themselves start when they try to get into normal society. How they use their power for good or for bad.

The build up to the climax at the end of the series is excellent with a nice twist at the end.

And this anime has the most-totally-absolutely-handsomest anime character ever!!! (if there is such a word)

NAOTO!!!!! I LOVE NAOTOOOO!!! My kind of anime guy.. hehe..




1, Chiko –  Heir of The Phantom Thief

Good stuff!! So far only watched till episode 14. Still running. This anime is more about mystery and being a thief, with VERY LITTLE touch on romance.

Chiko leads a lonely life after her wealthy parents pass away, leaving her with her aunty who is trying to kill her to get the inheritance. One day, she is abducted by a legendary thief, Twenty Faces, whom no one knows what his real face looks like. Thus her journey becoming his heir start.

Very highly recommended.

2. Natsume Youjinchou

A cute and sweet anime.

Natsume is a boy who can see spirits. One day, he inherits a book called A Book Of Friends which contains a large number of names belonged to demons/spirits. These demons are using a lot of ways to get their name back. Some are horrible, but mostly are way cute.

This anime is nothing like Death Note hehe.. The episodes are sweet and very light. I love the ending song. Make me want to move to the countryside. The whole feeling of this anime is like laying down in the middle of rice field with soft breeze. Very warm and relaxing.

I also love the cat character. You just can’t guess who he really is from his look hehe.. He adds up the spice in the anime.

Thats all from me for now. Why I wrote this whole entry in English? Cause some people complained as the past anime review I wrote was partly in Indonesian 😛

Anyways, you can check out my other anime review here

PS: Ga enak tau nulis blog pake English smua!!! Ga bisa gokil2an bahasanya!!!! Uhuk uhuk…

Kalo gue lagi emo..

Post kali ini gue mao sharing lagu2 yg luar biasa keren, lagu2 dibawah ini udah sempat mengisi hari2 gue saat emo… hehe..

I will tell why keren and lagunya gue attach dibawahnya..

1. Desert song – by Hillsong

Knapa keren?
Karena mantap abis. Pas itu si Davin tiba2 ngasih tau gue tentang lagu ini and background storynya. Because of that, gue cari2 di YouTube and ketemu kesaksian dari salah satu cewe yg nyanyi. Ternyata sebelum lagu ini direcord, that woman ngalamin miscarriage. And she said for so many weeks pas dia latian that song, dia ga bisa ngerasa the presence of God. Baru waktu dia nyanyi live di recordingnya she felt His presence strongly washed over her.

Gue kalo dengerin lagu ini, rasanya gimanaaaa gitu. Very powerful song. Especially with that woman’s testimony. Liriknya sangat2 powerful, it is saying no matter wat, no matter what we are going thru, God is still God and He deserves all the glory and honour. Meskipun Tuhan udah ambil her unborn baby, she still praises His goodness in her life. And that bener2 ga gampang man…

Coba baca liriknya dan resapi…

This is my prayer in the desert
And all that’s within me feels dry
This is my prayer in the hunger in me
My God is a God who provides

And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames

And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon forged against me shall remain

I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here

And this is my prayer in the battle
And triumph is still on it’s way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I’ll stand

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I’m filled to be emptied again
The seed I’ve received I will sow

and here’s the song…

2. Praise You In This Storm – Casting Crown

Knapa gue suka lagu ini? Karena same as the above song, bener2 bisa lift me up saat sedih or in the midst of trial. This song sebenernya I dedicate to two of my lovely girls yg minggu lalu konseling ama gue digereja. U know who u are. Cocok banget lirik lagunya untuk kalian. Eventhough you guys are in the biggest storm in your life right now, u guys are in the eye of the storm. Safe and secured in His arms. That stillness, that peacefulness, that security of knowing He can be trusted wholeheartedly. Nothing.. NOTHING can take that away from you. 😀

I was sure by now
God You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say “Amen”, and it’s still raining

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
“I’m with you”
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

And I’ll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
And every tear I’ve cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to you
And you raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can’t find You

But as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
“I’m with you”
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth

And the song…

3. I Will Be Here – Steven Curtis Chapman

Kalo ini lagu sih ada memorynya. Waktu itu di summer mission 2007, gue luar biasa diserang emotionally and spiritually. Ga bisa stop nangis karena beberapa hal, pokoknya gue terluka banget.

Sebetulnya lagu ini buat orang merit or pasangan gitu deh. Tapi for me, sepertinya Tuhan yg lagi ngomong ke gue. Telling me and assuring me that no matter what, He will always by my side. Karena saat itu gue bayar harga yg sakit banget demi ngelakuin apa yg Tuhan udah taruh di hati. Tapi dengan gitu Tuhan malah curahin kasihNya yg luar biasa buat sembuhin hati gue. Gue bener2 dihibur Tuhan saat denger lagu ini. Pelan2 hati gue dibalut lagi ama Dia. Pokoknya romantis abis lah Tuhan itu hehehe..

Tomorrow morning if you wake up
And the sun does not appear
I, I will be here
If in the dark, we lose sight of love
Hold my hand and have no fear
I, I will be here

I will be here when you feel like being quiet
When you need to speak your mind, I will listen
I will be here when the laughter turns to crying
Through the winnin’, losin’ and tryin’, we’ll be together
‘Cause I will be here

Tomorrow morning if you wake up and the future is unclear
I, I will be here
As sure as seasons are made for change
Our lifetimes are made for years
So I, I will be here

I will be here and you can cry on my shoulder
When the mirror tells us we’re older
I will hold you
And I will be here
To watch you grow in beauty
And tell you all the things you are to me
I will be here

I will be true to the promise I have made
To you and to the One who gave you to me

And just as sure as seasons are made for change
Our lifetimes are made for years
So I, I will be here
We’ll be together
I will be here

And the song…

4. Pleasing To You – Desperation Band

Nah kalo lagu ini cocok disetiap kali gue ngerasa bete bgt, kesel, mao marah etc etc. Atao ngadapin masalah yg bikin gue kelimpungan, mencabik2 emosi gue hehe. Tiap kali denger lagu ini bikin gue pingin nangis aja.. karena I know my ugly emotions itu ga pleasing to Him. Bener2 mujarab sih ini lagu buat gue. Tiap kali that negative emotion rise up, gue nyanyi lagu ini, that emotion bisa gue lift up to God and I ask Him to cleanse me over and over again.

More often than not, selama ini, gue pake lagu ini untuk hadapin satu orang doank hehehe 😛

Sanctify me
Clean out my closet
Take away anything
That is not pleasing to You

Purify me
Destroy all my anger
Wash away everything
That is not pleasing to You

I will be white as snow
I will be pure as gold
Jesus my heart must know
I’m pleasing to You

I give my life my all
Taking the cross I will follow
Jesus my heart must know
I’m pleasing to You

Sanctify me
You are the light to guide me
To the place where I am
Only pleasing to You

Oh come and Purify me Lord
I need your light inside me
So the darkness flees
And I can be pleasing to You

The song….

5. Hosanna – Hillsong

I just love this song so much.. especially yg dibagian liriknya yg ini..

Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause

Very2 sweet song buat gue. Thats basically my cry lately buat Tuhan. To show me how to love others like how He loves me.

I see the king of glory
Coming on the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes

I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing
The people sing

Hosanna in the highest

I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith

I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We’re on our knees
We’re on our knees

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to

and the song…

6. Kadang – GOL Singapore

Lagu dibawah ini gue taruh aja buat showcase kerjaan anak2 youth kita. Ini lagu udah dibikin lama, and baru direlease 2 taon yg lalu in CD Nothing Changes. Lagu keren.

Young and Dangerous!!

Kalian inget kan ama a famous Hong Kong movie yg berjudul Young And Dangerous?

Dulu gue suka banget ama ini movie! Pernah nangis2 karena ceritanya ada yg sedih buanget. Gue udah tontonin tuh semua serinya karena keren2. Berantemnya gile2an, gangster teenagers2 gitu deh. Awesome stuff.

Anyway, for so long, dunno for how many years, gue ga pernah lagi denger tentang pilem ini lagi. Until beberapa hari yg lalu…. bikin gue so excited!!!


karena I found out the next series of the movie will come out soon!!!!

So guys!!!



Pilem yg sudah lama ditunggu2!!!!

Gan Theng, Ken Anh

Movie Synopsis:
The previous series focused on Chan Ho Nam, yg dimainkan oleh Ekin Cheng. Tapi karena Ekin Cheng menderita penyakit panu yg sempat merusak kegantengan wajahnya, peran utama di Young and Dangerous 15 ini, dengan sangat tidak terpaksa, diberikan kepada the current uprising young handsome actors, Gan Theng and Ken Anh.

These two actors menjadi terkenal berkat pilem perdana yg mereka bintangi sebelumnya, yg berjudul “Malu-malu kucing”, yg menceritakan pergumulan tiga anak muda saat mengetahui bahwa salah satu dari mereka adalah seorang TKW pekerja gelap.

“Malu-malu kucing” adalah sebuah film yg patut diacungi jempol atas keberanian sutradaranya, Bill Yman mengupas kehidupan seorang TKW gelap yg dimainkan oleh young actress yg bernama Carr Hin.

Dibawah ini adalah cuplikan preview “Malu-malu kucing”

Kembali ke movie synopsis Young and Dangerous 15 (YaD 15)

Seperti yg kalian ketahui, seri2 sebelumnya selalu membahas ttg pergumulan suatu gang yg terkenal di Hong Kong yaitu gang Hung Hing. Seri kali ini lebih mengarah kepada organisasi gang baru yg dilahirkan dari gang Hung Hing sendiri.

Gang baru ini diberi nama The Yu Ying Boys, dikepalai oleh Gan Theng and Ken Anh. YaD 15 tells a story where these two brothers menempuh suka duka bersama mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup mereka di akhir jaman ini. Meskipun mereka kepala gang, mereka harus jual sate, ngelap sepatu, dan sering kali terpaksa menjual koleksi komik mereka demi kelangsungan gang Yu Ying.

Peran mereka memang tidak mudah. Saat mereka diinterview oleh koran setempat, mereka mengatakan:

Gan Theng: “Iya memang berat peran saya kali ini. Tiap hari saya harus mengelus2 kumis saya supaya tumbuhnya banyak. Karena tuntunan peran meminta saya untuk berkumis lebat.”

Ken Anh: “Pengorbanan saya sendiri pun tidak sedikit. Saya yg sopan ini harus belajar untuk menjadi laki2 kasar dan tak tahu diri. Berperan menjadi seorang gangster benar2 menguras tenaga saya. Saya harus melepaskan sementara reputasi saya sebagai future-high-quality jomblo. Itu bukan hal yg mudah.”

Tapi pengorbanan mereka tidak akan pernah sia2. YaD 15 is expected to hit the box office in the coming month.


Young and Dangerous 15: The Brotherhood is COMING SOON to the theatres near you!!!

Disclaimer: Informasi diatas tidak bisa dijamin kebenarannya.

Live Blogging!!!!

Yo… below is the Live Blogging covering CIB Fest 2008 yg diadain online di Yahoo Messager. As I write this down, the thing is happening in real time. Hehe. *gaya bgt* 😛

Will update in a few mins here and there. Check back often!

My comments will be in red

2.34 pm on YM (All will be in Spore time) – 1.5 hrs before the event

Cibfest: Mohon perhatian kepada setiap peserta online CIBfest 2008. Beberapa hal yang perlu panitia penyelenggarakan sampaikan berkaitan dengan event online nanti adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Event akan dimulai pukul 15.00 WIB
2. Jika Anda terlambat online dan tidak bisa bergabung silahkan hubungi panitia CIBfest dengan ID YM : cibfest
3. Saat “convo” mohon mengikuti pembicaraan berdasarkan tuntunan host yang ada.
4. Dilarang melakukan pembicaraan pribadi antara peserta, seperti kenalan dan lain-lain dalam “convo”, jika ingin melakukan harap lewat JAPRI.
5. Ide dan saran silahkan diutarakan dalam convo ini namun dalam waktu yang sudah ditentukan oleh host.
Terima kasih, Tuhan memberkati.

3.35 pm (Behind the scene)

Lagi chatting ma temen
nelotte: doain gue menang. Bentar lagi nih eventnya online
nelotte: kalo gue menang dikau juga kecipratan kok doain aja
toro: gimana liat onlinenya
nelotte: baca aja blog gue. Gue bakal reporting live hehehe *gaya*
nelotte: selama event onlinenya berjalan, gue juga akan post di blog gue..
toro: ok
toro: congrat
nelotte: belon menang. Congratsnya ntar dulu
nelotte: kalo dah dapet ipod touch baru boleh bilang congrats HAEuhaUEhAUH 😛
toro: yeeeeeee
toro: i podnya sih ga penting
nelotte: hAUEhAUEHuAEHuahe
nelotte: trus apanya yg penting?
toro: yg penting anda tertulis dlm
nelotte: HEuHAEuAHEuHAEuaEhaueh okeh deeeee
nelotte: new term
nelotte: bukan history maker tapi history blog maker… bikinin aja lagunya
toro: siiiiiip
toro: aq buatin lagunya
nelotte: beneran loh
nelotte: gue no kidding. Gue mau masukin blog hehehe

So mari kita tunggu lagu dari si toro yg berjudul ‘History Blog Maker’ by Meler-ingus (plesetannya Delirious)

Another chatting:

Doris: So, another 26 mins lagi donk Nel?
Gue: Iya. Gue mao tuh Ipod touchnya.
Doris: Ipod touch itu mah nanggung non. Enakan Iphone.
Gue: Ga papa. Asal bisa pencet2 dan bergerak2 screennya gue udah seneng kekekeke.

4.14 pm on YM

HAEuHAUEhAUEhUAEHuAHE ANCURRRRRR!!! Banyak bgt pesertanya and pada ngomong2 komentar2.. sampe hostnya harus teriak2 bolak balik suruh diem..

And guess what!! YM gue sampe ngehang now HAUEhUAEHuAEHuAEE…

4.26 pm (Behind the scene)

Gue login back ke YM, tapi skarang masih nunggu diinvite… gue ga diinvite2 lagi nih huhuhuhu… 😦

4.27 pm (YM)

cibfest: karena banyak teman2 yang ngga bisa masuk convo akan saya infokan by pm melalui blasting. Sekarang sedang online vote di

4.50 pm (Behind the scene)

Akhirnya bisa masuk lagi ke conferencenya. Ternyata ada gunanya juga gue kenal ama hostnya HAUEhAUEHuAHEe 😛

And blog favourite based on voting dah menang. Dan pemenangnya:

Btw gue jadi diem banget diconferencenya. Mao sih kasih komentar2. Tapi pasti yg kuar adalah komen yg ga jelas dan yg ga nyambung punya.. HUAEHUAEHuAHE.. jaim dikit deh…

5.10 pm (YM)


Emang gue ga expect menang sih. Abis blog gue kebanyakan isinya ngawur2 style HAUEhAUEhUAEHaEe.. Lebih buat ketawa2. Kalo ada kategory untuk blog terbaik yg bisa bikin orang ketawa2 kejang dilantai kayaknya baru buat gue. Hehe

Yah ga jadi dibikinin lagu History Blog Maker by Meler-ingus donk … kekekekee

My Top 5 Old Heroes!!

Gue sebenernya mo nulis hal yg serius dan very thought-provoking about Geylang. Yaitu daerah prostitution yg deket bgt ama rumah gue. Sampe gue udah nyiapin videonya sgala padahal.

But gara2 chatting ama Wira, coz he suddenly nostalgia ttg pilem2 masa lalu, gue jadi kebawa arus. Jadi dig out old videos di YouTube and thanks to him, gue jadi so excited to write this instead of a very thought-provoking article about Geylang.
Hmmm… gampang banget gue dipengaruhi ya.. hehehe…

So here it is…

List of my top 5 Old Heroes!!!
(according to the ‘Gantengness’ and Coolness factor)


Why I like him:
His costume is the coolest!!! Gue suka lah, silver2 gitu gagah banget (kinclong2 gitu hihihihi *inside joke* hihihi). Tapi gue taruh dia di nomer 5 karena bagi gue, (waktu gue masih SD) tampang dia udah tua kayak bapak-bapak. Then gue tadi liat lagi, opini gue tetep sama, masih kayak bapak-bapak. (Padahal sebenernya sih gue juga dah kayak ibu-ibu)


Why I like them:
KERENNNN!!! Sampe skarang pun kalo gue liat video yg diatas I still merinding2 gitu heheehe. Gue suka bgt waktu kecil niru2 gaya mereka, I love niruin Goggle Blue!!! meskipun weapon nya ga keren banget. Masa hulahoop sih.

Tapi gaya mereka keren kerennnn!!!


Why I like them:
I’m so much in love with their song! Then gue juga demen banget ama anak kecilnya. Lucu, iseng dan berpipi nyempluk. And gue suka the story plot. Very meaningful, ga kayak yg laen2 kan biasa gitu, ketemu musuh then berantem then menang. Storynya Lionmaru seinget gue sangat2 menyentuh deh. Gue ingetnya sih gue sampe nangis2 nontonnya pas itu. And settingnya juga beda… about samurai. I love samurai!!! Cool banget bagi gue. Kalo ga salah ceritanya mereka itu bertiga orphans then they all got tragic past gitu deh. Pokoknya sempet bikin gue nangis2 bombay nontonnya.

2. Sharivan

Why I like him:
An animal lover!!! Dia bisa ngomong ama binatang2 and sense their feeling. Bagi gue KEREN BANGETTTT. Gue kan animal freak. Then dia tuh yg lembut2 dan sensitive gitu orangnya. I like sensitive guys hehehe pingin gue sayank2 (kan gue keibuan hihihi *ga penting banget*). And kalo ga salah akhirnya dia mati ya?? Itu gue inget banget gue nangis2 beberapa hari gara2 itu.




Why I like him:


Alisnya itu loh ga tahan! kayak ulat bulu…

Gue dulu tuh sampe punya cita2 mo punya pacar kayak dia hehehhehee… *ngiler*

Anywayssss.. out of topic bentar…

We just found out that anak youth kita masuk koran ‘STRAIT TIMES’ karena menang pertandingan badminton!!!!


Mereka emang cool abis. Masih kecil2. Ada yg baru umur 12. Mereka tuh didiscover ama pemerintah Singapore kalo ga salah, pas mereka masih skolah di Indo. Then ama Spore government mereka disponsorin skolah disini, dapet scholarship. Siang skolah, malem training. Tiap ari man.. and saat mereka lulus, mereka ada contract ama pemerintahan sini bakal represent Spore di pertandingan2 international instead of representing Indo HAUEhAUEhUAEhuAEH.. Dasar Spore kiasu.. ga mao kalah 😛

So here is the article… and salah satu wajah anak youth kita hehehe… Well done Christian!!

(click for larger view)


This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed. – Habakkuk 2:3

COLLIDE Promo Video

I’ve been talking about Youth Concert called COLLIDE in July 2008 kan.

So what is COLLIDE?
I’ll explain later when the website and stuff up and running.. but now..

here is the promo video…

Movie reviews

Gue lagi bosen banget di kerjaan. Bos lagi holiday for 3 weeks, jadi ya begitula. Ada sih kerjaan, tapi bisa dikerjakan dengan santai. Ada juga kerjaan mission buat johor, tapi lagi ga mood bikin hehehehe.. Anyway gue dikasih projek ama pastor bobby buat video presentation gitu deh ttg ifgf johor. One of my dreams kesampean lagi hohoho. Gue kan dari dulu pingin involved in video production, so I believe this is a great start. Kapan ari kan bikin yg buat drama, this time lebih ke corporate but still gue mau masukin emotions2. Nih video ntar bakal diputer di Harvest Festival di Sabah, and bakal ada menteri2 Malaysia gitu yang dateng. So it has to be professional lah.. so .. dengan kemampuan background video gue yg terbatas… huhuhuhu..we’ll see… we’ll see…

Iya gue lagi pingin tulis2 soal movies. I loooooooove watching them! Yg noteworthy of coz. Gue rada milih2 sih kalo soal movie gitu. Paling anti ama namanya drama Korea/jepang/sinetron. Pokoknya yg sealiran2 itu lah. Yg cuma mengundang air mata doank. Aih jijay. Mending juga makan bakso.

Gue mo review movies yg gue tonton recently…



Ada beberapa orang yg abis nonton ini, replynya… apaan sih, ga ngerti. Gimana toh! For me, it has a beautifully made, intricately woven storyline. Abis nontonnya, gue ada rasa puas gitu. Very emotionally gripping, gue demen lah pokok e. Very intimate, very close to the heart.
Story about 4 individual stories but somehow they are interconnected with one another. Inti ceritanya sih sesuai ama titlenya ‘Babel’. Di bible kan ceritanya long2 time ago, manusia itu ga ada namanya beda ras, or beda language. Semuanya understood each other and they became powerful. These people built menara yg mereka namain Babel. Menara ini tinggi banget, and their purpose was to reach God/mau jadi as powerful as God. Karena mereka sombong, Tuhan marah and mencerai beraikan mereka. Dan since then on, mereka punya bahasa sendiri2. Nah this movie intinya itu, about communication breakdown. Dari salah sangka yg sangat2 simple sampai ke national level. Because of miscommunication.

Anyway… aside from that, pilemnya emang bagus. Actingnya superb. The ending for the 2 Moroccan boys juga nice and touching. Simple but straight to the heart.

Actingnya gue paling suka si cewe jepang itu. She is a deaf mute schoolgirl. Saat gue nonton pas dia punya, bisa ngerasain how lonely and how silent her world is. Bayangkan idup tanpa any suara. I tried dulu banget waktu gue iseng2, nyelupin my whole body didalam bath tub. Pas dibawah air itu, I couldnt hear anything, except my own heartbeat. And it was definitely eerie, rasanya di dunia laen. We are so used to noise that it becomes part of our life. Kalo ga ada noise rasanya we are not living, as if we are detached from the world.

Ada dua scene yg gue demen banget pas storynya dia.
*spoiler alert*
Yg pertama: Waktu dia pegi clubbing for the first time. Orang deaf ke clubbing. Bayangin aja, apa coba yg bisa didance in. In this scene, we get to see from her point of view. Yg dia liat, yg dia rasain. Dia ga bisa ngerasain lagunya yg keceng, what she could only feel was the light, the smoke, the crowd. Seemed like people were having fun, so she felt she should have fun too. Dancing without music. Gue ga tau gimana rasanya itu man. Sepi banget pasti. But I can relate so much with her sih. Dulu kan gue juga gila clubbing. But I know some people, this applied to me too, pegi clubbing seemed fun, but when we danced, sebenernya ada sesuatu emptyness, kekosongan dalam hati, and we tried to ignore and forget it by being gila2an di dance floor. But sometimes, you can catch our eyes just drifted aimlessly dengan pandangan yg kosong gitu lah. I was like that before.. so yeah.. I feel this girl alot.. 😛
Yg kedua: Saat dia naked itu. Nothing sexual or arousing. But it gives the vibe of being vulnerable and being so desperate for acceptance. And this juga applies to some girls these days. Banyak cewe2 yg ready to give their body to any man yg pay extra attention to them gara2 mereka haus banget akan kasih sayang. So they’ve mistaken sex for love and attention. I love this scene too. It addresses the core problem in youth/young adult these days.

Yah pokoknya, I like her story alot. I can relate so much with how she feels etc. Ini yg bikin gue ke confirm lagi panggilan Tuhan specifically buat gue apa. Tuhan bisa ngomong lewat movie juga. And saat gue minta supaya that specific calling smakin rooted in me, eh beneran jalan2nya dibuka ama Tuhan… hehehehe.. I guess I’m not wrong..So thank You Lord. Sekali lagi I must say, Tuhan keren.



HheUAHeuaEe, I really love this movie. A brilliant piece. Kocak abis. Enjoyed it very much. Meskipun nonton untuk kedua kalinya masih enjoy2 aja tuh.
Story about a particular man yg kerjanya as a lobbyist, a spokeperson for a mega cigarette company. His ONLY job is to convince the world that smoking is good for you and your health. Funny and clever piece lah. Very interesting to see how he twisted the situation yg mestinya merugikan, malah jadi menguntungkan for the company reputation.

Very highly recommended. I like the character of Rob Lowe *gasp* my old fav actor*, his eccentric nature brings extra spice to the movie.

This movie definitely leaves a great aftertaste.



It’s a movie thats well thought. Very unique concept. Original banget deh.
Story about this man, yg dia tuh lead a boring life, everything about numbers and precision. But one day tiba2 he found himself in situation where he started to hear someone narrating everything he was doing. Jadi kayak dia tuh in a movie or a story. Gue demen banget ama conceptnya, something totally fresh and different. And lucu. First few scenes gue pikir rada2 boring sih, but when he started to investigate that narrator’s voice, jadi kocak juga. Funny lines gitu deh. Apalagi waktu ama Dustin Hoffman, he is such a great actor, dengan antics2nya jadi bikin this movie worth watching.

I like it.



Filem indo man. Gue jarang sih nonton pilem indo. Dulu ada nonton beberapa, and not many yg actually good bagi gue. Ada Apa Dengan Cinta aja bagi gue biasa banget. Eiffel, I’m in love apalagi. Pertama2 sih ok, tapi lama2 muales banget nonton, coba kalo bukan gara2 tuh cewe yg disitu, yg cute itu, gue males nontonnya.

Anyway, Mengejar Matahari sih ceritanya sangat simple. Ttg persahabatan 4 cowo. What I like about this movie is the cinematography. Artistic dan sentimental gitu rasanya. The colour tone and framingnya. Actingnya juga not bad, I’m quite surprised to see indo movie yg actually actingnya lumayan. Quite natural. Apalagi si Udjo, salah satu personil Project Pop. Bagi gue sih dia yg paling believable. The story is ok lah, acting juga lumayan.. so far so gud until cewenya muncul. Alamak, emang sih cute banget, cuma merusakkkkkk. Abis sok cute gitu deh. Pingin gue gampar, dah gitu romancenya sooooo cheeeesyyyyyyy, bikin gue muntah darah *huek huek*… other than that the rest is ok lah. Ada satu ending scenenya yg gue suka banget, saat mereka berlari gitu deh.

Ya pokoknya cinematography nya bagus banget. Framingnya tells a story and emotion gitu.

Anyway cewenya sih cute abis.. and she really remind me of a fren.

To anak2 BOC sydney: coba deh, guess dia mirip sapa? ehehhehehe

(potonya ilank and gue males upload lagi hehehe)
Did you guys guess LILIAN??? heheheheehe mirip banget kan ama Liliannnn???? HAUEhuaEhuahee.. di poto sih mungkin ga begitu, tapi pas di movienya pas dia senyum ketawa gitu gile mirip banget. To Lilian, berbahagialah sodara disamakan dengan Putri Indonesia.

PIlem ini lumayan worth watching la. Selain cinematography bagus, ada cewe cute buat cuci mata, and ada cowo cakep juga. Si winky sapa tuh namanya. Ganteng man… tipe gue dah. Yg matanya belo2 gitu HAUEhuaEhaEe.. Gue baru sadar, selama ini cowo yg gue gebetin smuanya bermata belo… contohnya: harris.. AHEuAHEUhAEuhaee.. tapi kok Andy Lau ga ya… but anyway, pantesan gue ga napsu ama budi. HAUEhuaEHuaEhuaEe

Movies that I’m going to watch:
Little children
Pan’s labyrith
Navity’s story
Letters from Iwojima

Other Recommendations: (new and old movies worth watching)

Life is beautiful (A MUST)
Memento (endingnya bener2 ga ketebak)
The pianist
Children of men
Blood diamond
Truman show

and de el el.. de el el…. lupa….


Another Septi Moment

Scene: lagi dijalan, ada anjing lewat.
Septi: “nel.. nel…. tuh anjing MEREK apa sih??” (merek = brand)

…… dasar shopping queen…..

Quote of the week

We are not human beings having spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having human experience.


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