Archive for the 'Aiden' Category

Growing Aiden (7)

Sekarang Aiden uda umur 5 taon lebih. Tahun depan udah masuk SD. Cepat amat. Smakin gede, smakin bawel and pinter bikin alasan.

Dia sukanya sekarang bilang, “but u never see me..” or “but I never see…”,

for example…

Scene: Aiden ga mau pegi skul.

Gue: Aiden, come go skul….
Aiden: but I dun wannnnnnnnt…
Gue: Must go, mommy already paid for your school, so you must go.
Aiden: When??? I never see you pay!
Gue: You dont need to see…
Aiden: But I never seeeeeee….
Gue: You never see because mommy used the computer to pay… bla bla bla… (must explain to him…)
Aiden: Oh okay… i get it….

Trus dia kan pindah sekolah yang baru, so this time gue pegi ama dia. When it was time to pay the school fee, gue tunjukin duit segepok ke dia. “See, Aiden, now you see mommy pay for your school fee. So you must go school ok.” haha so ga ada alasan for him not to go skul.

Aiden juga suka pake kalimat ‘but u never see’, buat menghindar dari di disiplin.

For example:

Scene: Gue lagi mandiin Lyon di kamar mandi. I heard Aiden jumped on the bed pake baju sekolahnya dari luar… alias kotor…

Gue: Aiden, don’t jump on the bed!
Aiden: No.. i didn’t jump!
Gue: Yes you did!
Aiden: but you never seeeeee….
Gue: I dun need to see… Jesus will tell me (haha.. jurus gue.. wkkwkwk. Gue sering emphasize to him, even kalo gue ga liat, God always see and He will tell me haha)


Scene: Gue lagi di kamar mandi, and I heard Aiden turned off the fan di kamar kita.

Gue: Aiden, dont turn off the fan!
Aiden: No, I didn’t!
Gue: Aiden, you turned off the fan.
Aiden: But you never see me.
Gue: I dun need to see. I know. If you turned off the fan, and you said you didnt. That means you are lying. I dont like that. Jesus also doesnt like it when you lie.
Aiden: But.. in my school, my teacher told me Jesus loves me even when I’m bad!
Gue: *keselek* (mau ketawa harus ditahan) yeahhh of coz Jesus always loves you, but He is sad when you lie…

Alamak, anak gue ini yah!

Aiden ini juga memorynya kuat. Dia bisa inget places yg baru sekali dia pergi. Dia bisa lebih ngerti jalan dari gue or G haha. Dia bisa ingat pernah pergi ke satu tempat even it was a year ago. Tapi dia suka lupa kalo dia hari ini udah minum yakult. His most favourite drink.

Aiden: “Mommy, can I have yakult?”
Gue: “No, you just had one this morning…”
Aiden: “Oh I forgot….”
Gue: “No yakult anymore ok..”
Aiden: “Mommy,… can I have yakult?”
Gue:“I told you, u had one already…”
Aiden: “But I forgot!!!!”

Jadi dia seharian ngotot pingin yakult karena dia lupa kalo dia udah minum yakult in the morning. *ga make sense*


Kita juga udah pindah rumah baru. And this time, Aiden and Lyon punya kamar sendiri. Gue ama G gantian tidur jagain Lyon dikamar itu. Tapi si Aiden sukanya tidur ama gue,…

Scene: Gue suruh Aiden bobo dikamar dia.

Aiden, go sleep in your room.
Aiden: But, i dun want. I want to sleep here with Mommy.
Gue: You have your own room with Lyon now, and we bought you a car bed for you. If you dont want to sleep there, I will give it away.
Aiden: I dun want!
Gue: Then sleep there with Lyon and Daddy tonight.
Aiden: But later, you alone here, Mommy! Nobody sleep with you…
Gue: It’s ok..
Aiden: But later you cry….
Gue: (mo ketawa), no.. i’m big girl. I’m not scared of sleeping by myself….

Scene: Bobo time, and he always wants me to hug him to sleep.

Aiden: Mommy, can you hug me?
Gue: Ok,… why you always want my hug?
Aiden: Because I love Mommy…
Gue: Daddy can also hug you..
Aiden: But I dont love Daddy…
Gue: Why?
Aiden: Becoz Daddy hug me really really hardddddd! I dont love Daddy!
Gue: But Daddy loves you. Daddy always bring you everywhere he goes…
Aiden: I love Daddy when he brings me go outside, but I dun love him hug me. I love Daddy only because he bring me outside. Not hug, ok.

Scene: Aiden diem2 mao maenin game di hp gue.

Gue: Aiden, no playing game in my phone.
Aiden: No mommy, I’m not playing. (masih pegang hpnya)
Gue: Then put down the phone please.
Aiden: Wait wait mommy, I want to show you something!
Gue: Ok what?
Aiden: *dia buka app game dia*
Gue: Aiden, no playing…
Aiden: No.. i’m not playinggg. I want to show you something…
Gue: *gue liatin dia mo ngapain*
Aiden: *buka app game dia and di screen pertama, dia mo mencet something to start.*
Gue: Aiden, I said no game..
Aiden: No mommy.. i show you something.. *then he proceed to show me the game screen*… see mommy, which want you want to press,.. this one or this one or this one?….
Gue: *gue ga tahan ketawa, jadi intinya dia pake alasan buat dia bisa maen…* eiii, so you pretending yaaaa???
Aiden: *dia liat gue ketawa, dia nahan ketawa dia* … mommy, you choose, which one you want to press… *sambil terus nyodorin game screennya*
Gue: *amazed of his ‘creativity’* ok, i give you play for 15 mins… not too long ok
Aiden: .. ok! *ga jadi nyodorin hp ke gue, tapi langsung kabur bawa hpnya*

Pinter yah anakku.


Scene: Aiden bikin homework, nulis huruf Z.
Gue: Aiden, do your homework…
Aiden: But i dun want, i want to play…
Gue: After you do your homework, you can play.
Aiden: *nulis akhirnya… nulis Z banyak*… Mommy, Z Z Z Z Z Z make me snores… my hand tired…. *then dia pura2 tidur pake ngorok*

Btw Lyon sekarang uda setaon umurnya. While si Aiden anaknya sensitip, si Lyon ini agak cuek keliatannya and gahar. Ga takut gitu. Kalo Aiden takut pegang vacuum cleaner, si Lyon malah ngejar. And berani tarik buntut anjing dan kucing.

So gue doain Aiden punya spirit of courage and boldness, and Lyon supaya punya spirit of wisdom. 😀










Growing Aiden(6)

Aiden ini anaknya agak sensitip. gentle heart sih mestinya. Cuma kadang2 sensitipnya agak over wwkkwkkw, but that will be his strength when his sensitivity is developed in the right way and subjected to the Word of God. 🙂

Contoh nih…

Scene: Udah saatnya bobo, lampu udah dimatiin, udah diranjang, eh Aiden maen aja terus, umek2 ga bisa diem diranjang sampe lama bgt. Trus gue marahin. Dia nangis lumayan kenceng. Then biasanya kalo abis gue marahin/disiplin, gue ajak dia doa. Dia ikutin gue doa…

Gue: What do u do when u are sad/angry?
Aiden: Pray…
Gue: Ok lets pray…. Lord Jesus…
Aiden: Lord Jesus…
Gue: Forgive me…
Aiden: Forgive me..
Gue: For not obeying mommy
Aiden: For not obeying mommy…
Gue: Help me..
Aiden: Help me…
Gue: To obey..
Aiden: To obey…
Gue: And calm down…
Aiden: And calm up…
Gue: No, calm down…
Aiden: calm uppppp….
Gue: No such thing as calm up, Aiden.. it’s calm down…
Aiden: Nooooo, calm up! *sambil tangannya nunjuk keatas*
Gue: It’s calm down…
Aiden:  Calm upppppp!! *then mewek nangis*

HAUEhaUEHauEH ok thennnn calm uppppp…


Kalo abis di discipline, Aiden biasanya nangis kan, then biasanya dia akan meluk gue or G (whoever yg abis marahin dia), then say “sorry, mommy/daddy”… then biasanya kita bilang, “I forgive you”, but biasanya Aiden yg abis bilang sorry langsung nyambung sendiri, “I forgive you” sambil meluk kita.


Kadang2 juga, kalo gue lagi marah ama dia for example disuruh pake baju malah lari2. Dia udah liat tampang gue tampang bete gitu, dia sengaja meluk gue and said, “I love you mommy” sambil gave a quick kiss on my lips. Supaya gue ga spank dia kwkwkwk. Dasar. Pinter ambil ati ini anak.


Sampe sekarang Aiden masih bobo on the same bed ama kita. And I love it! Suka aja cuddle2 ama dia. Tiap malem sebelon bobo, kita pasti saling bilang,
Gue: Good night, Aiden
Aiden: Good night, Mommy…
Gue: I love you…
Aiden: I love you too…
Trus kiss…

Tapi kadang2 bisa begini:
Gue: Good night, Aiden
Aiden: Good night, Mommy…
Gue: I love you…
Aiden: No mommy, say I miss you…
Gue: ok, I miss you…
Aiden: I miss you too….


Trus dia suka minta dipeluk. Peluknya juga harus posisi specific. Gue harus peluk dia dari belakang and tangan gue harus ngelingkarin perut dia. Dia bilang, “because it’s nice”. Then malem2 kalo dia kebangun, dia bisa tiba2 bangunin gue and say, “mommy, can you hug me please..”


Talking about his sensitivity, kalo kita ketawain dia coz dia berbuat lucu or say something funny, dia bisa marah, “are you laughing at me????!?!?!” or tiba2 ngambek, mewek nangis.


One day dirumah, si Vivian (our housemate) mau pegi keluar and she said bye to me. Aiden tiba2 mewek and said, “Tante Vivian never say bye to Aiden…”… trus nangis deh. Anakku ini emang one of a kind.


Then dia juga udah mulai mirip bokapnya. Yaitu worship leader kwwwkkw. Tiap malem biasanya, kita doa mo bobo and praise n worship bentar. Biasanya Aiden yg mau lead worship.

Aiden: Mommy, you play piano. Daddy, you play drum. Aiden sing!

Aiden: Wait, wait…. Aiden sings first!!!

Aiden: OK now, everyone sing together!!

Kalo gue isengin dia, gue nyanyi duluan, mulut gue dibungkam ama tangan dia kwkwkwk.


Kalo Aiden lagi batuk, gue ajarin dia untuk nolak snack yg orang kasih ke dia. Biasanya dia bisa bilang sama orang itu, “no thank you, Aiden cough” Tapi sekarang dia udah lebih pinter….

Scene: Aiden lagi batuk2 mayan parah, and ada orang yg kasih dia biscuit ga sehat. Dia insist mau makan. Gue kagak kasih…

Gue: No Aiden, remember, Aiden cough?? Later, you can’t sleep at night…
Aiden: Never mind, mommy…
Gue: what never mind.. later you cry at night coz pain, can’t sleep…
Aiden: It’s ok mommy, Jesus saves me and heals me…. I can eat the biscuit…
Gue: *dueggg mau ketawa tapi ga boleh ketawa* .. yeah that’s true, but still you can’t eat the biscuit!

Pinter amat ini anak, sapa yg ngajarin jawab begitu kwkwkwkwk

Satu lagi contoh…

Scene: Biasanya kalo Aiden misbehaves, kita disciplinenya pake spanking. Pake Mr. Spanky gitu. Wooden spoon yang digambarin muka sedih. So one night, Aiden misbehaved, and Daddynya bilang,

Daddy: Do you want to obey or you want Mr. Spanky?
Aiden: No Mr. Spanky…
Daddy: Daddy disciplines and spanks you because Daddy loves you.
Aiden: Jesus loves us, Jesus never spank us…

kwkwkwkwk ok deh… well at least benih2 Word of Godnya masuk lah kwkwkwkwk






Growing Aiden (4)

I came across this article by one mommy.

Really good read.

Memang Aiden anak yg ga begitu susah dijaga, compared to other hyperactive kids. But of coz, kids being kids, mana ada sih anak kecil yg bisa diem nurut selama 24 jam. Of coz Aiden ada tantrum moments. Or just simply ga mau dengerin gue. Disuruh pake baju, malah telanjang lari2, sambil ketawa2 sengaja ngerjain maminya. Disuruh bersihin maenannya, malah dilempar2. Or sengaja jalannya dipelannnnn-pelaninnn supaya gue ga sabar and akhirnya gue sendiri yg bersihin wkwk.

Of coz juga ada times where he can be such a good boy. Bisa bersihin maenannya sendiri tanpa disuruh. Bisa pack up his toys before playing with another toys. But ada juga yg bikin gue gregetan rasanya sampe ke ubun-ubun. Cape rasanya ngulang2 terus hal yg sama. Kata2 yg sama. I didn’t actually yell at him, but I definitely raised my voice a bit so he paid attention. So he knows that I meant business. But sometimes, I got frustrated by him. So stumbling across that article was really a good thing. Kena banget deh buat gue.

Karena gue mau inget terus the messages of that article, gue dapet ide buat bikin posternya based on the article. Gue ngikutin poster KEEP CALM itu lho, but kata2nya gue bikin sendiri and juga the graphic atasnya. Graphicnya sih gue dapet dari internet and di adjust dikit hehe. I will print these posters and dipajang deh dirumah.

Ini hasilnya….


Yep. Need to remind myself that kids are always watching and observing. Kalo gue pingin Aiden punya a gentle spirit, sabar dll, masa gue isinya kebanyakan teriak2 dan ga sabar ama dia. I have to lead by example because I’m his role model.

Gue inget ada seorang cici cerita, be careful when you are around kids. You think mereka ga notice your behaviour kah? One day, this cici lagi di mobil ama suaminya and their kids. Tiba2 ada telpon masuk, and istrinya yg angkat. Someone was looking for the husband, but the husband ga pingin ngomong sama orang itu so he said to this cici, “bilang aja gue lagi ga ada”… then the kid behind suddenly shouted, “ih papa bo’ong!!!” … wkkwkwkw. Hayo loh! Must practice what we preach, yeah? wkwkkw

at least

Well, seperti kata articlenya,

Misalnya nih, Aiden jatuhin susu segelas, berantakan kemana2. Gue bisa aja marah, but then I can calm down by thinking, “Well, at least, the cup is not glass.” Or, yang paling sering, Aiden numpahin something, but “at least, he is trying to help me…” Kadang2 kan anak2 berusaha bantuin mommy/daddynya, but instead they make a mess. But tapi seringnya kalo kita udah sebel or cape, kita malah marahin mereka. Sebenernya they meant well yah? Poor little misunderstood kids. 😦


Yep, I can’t control Aiden’s reaction or action. But definitely I can control mine. Who’s the adult here? wkkwkw I notice sometimes gue itu control freak. Gue pingin this or that be done in certain way. Gue kadang2 sebelnya itu kalo gue maunya Aiden begini, dianya ga mau. So yah, gue harus remind myself that I cannot control him. Sometimes he has his own way to do things. Meskipun masih toddler.

For example, for the last couple of days, gue lagi ajarin Aiden doa sendiri. Sekarang kalo minum susu, dia bisa doa sendiri, “ta choo fo de cucu. AMENN!!!” (thank you for the susu, AMEN!) Amennya yg paling kenceng. Kadang2 sangking excitednya liat susu, doanya di singkat, jadi cuma teriak “AMEN!!!” wkwkkwkw.

Then kmaren kita mao doa sebelon tidur, biasanya dia akan ngikutin doa kita yg panjang. Kayak the end of every sentences gitu.

Biasanya gue bilang: “Thank you for Heal….” , he will continue with “….ing…,”
“Thank you for break…”, he will continue with, “… truuuu,”

Nah tiap malem kita begini. But last night, gue mao begini kan ama dia, gue udah ngomong, “Thank u for heal…,” eh dia malah nepok2 tangan gue, suruh gue berhenti and dia yg doa sendiri, “ta choo fo ce cusssss” (thank u for Jesus). Gue ok2in. Then gue continue, “Thank u for heal….,” eh dia tepok2 gue lagi suruh berhenti, and dia doa sendiri lagi ‘thank u for jesus’ kwkwkwkw. Gitu terus sampe 10 kali ada kayaknya. Intinya gue ga usah doa, tapi dengerin dia udah bisa doa meskipun diulang itu2 terus HAUEhUAEHAE. Dia mau show to me that he can pray by himself! hehehehe.

Maksud gue, coba kalo gue maksa dia harus ngikutin gue, I will miss this definitely 🙂 But instead I chose to stop and listened to what he was trying to say. Should do this more often.


The reason of me holding back my anger or frustration or saying something harsh is because I dun want to hurt Aiden’s feeling. Apalagi he’s a sensitive little guy. Biasanya kalo gue udah gregetan, gue grab him, stop him from whatever he’s doing, go down to his level to make sure he looks at me and I tell him why he cant do this or that. Biasanya sih dia ngangguk2 ngerti pas gue udah jelasin knapa and I asked him, “understand?” Hopefully dia bener2 ngerti wkwkkw.

jumping jack

Seperti kata articlenya lagi, instead of yelling mendingan find silly alternatives to release the tension. Bisa do jumping jack, or yell in the closet or shout like Tarzan etc. I think I choose jumping jack aja deh, lumayan exercise dikit hehe.

Bisa aja inti masalahnya adalah lagi sibuk banget dikantor jadi cape. Or lagi ada gesekan sama suami, atau lagi perut sakit gara2 mo boker. So the problem is not really our kids. Kasian kan kalo Aiden yang kena marah abis2an padahal kesalahannya sepele.


This happens quite often. Gue lagi sibuk misalnya gitu lagi ngapain. Si Aiden suka ke gue and nepok2 gue. Pas diliat ternyata dia nunjukin ke gue kalo dia did something. Misalnya complete the puzzle, or draw a fish by himself or apaan kek. Must remind self that I should not dismiss him quickly when he looks for me or asking for my attention. He is probably showing me his accomplishment and no parents should miss that. Note to self: if he does showing me his accomplishment meskipun gue lagi sibuk bgt, I must stop, praise and admire it a little bit longer.


Yep, kalo lagi sebel kayaknya enak gitu mandi pake air anget. Should do more home facial deh kwkwkwk.


This one is the most important for me. Gue mao nanti as my legacy, gue dikenal sebagai mommy yg very gracious to her kids. Slow to anger, slow to speak alias ga nagging all the time. When my kids grow up, they remember me as that type of mommy. Kalo anak sendiri bisa ngomong gitu, i think that’s the greatest reward of all. 🙂

Sekarang untuk disiplin Aiden, kita pake wooden spoon buat spank dia. Kita gambar sad face on the spoon and called it Mr. Spanky. Kita kasih tau Aiden, “if you disobey mommy or daddy, you will get a spanking. And you see, Mr. Spanky is sad if he has to spank u.” It works sih. Biasanya kalo dia lari2 ga mau dipakein bajunya, gue nanya, “Do you want Mr. Spanky to spank u?” Dia geleng2, tapi tetep ga mau deketin gue buat dipakein baju. So gue ambil Mr. Spanky and tunjukin dia, baru dia dateng ke gue.

For some reason, for disciplining Aiden, I don’t think Time-out will work for him sih. For sensitive kid like him, kalo di time-out, dia akan merasa rejected instead. Biasanya kalo kita abis marahin dia, dianya pasti mau disayang sama kita.

Nge-didik anak emang ga guampang bok. And we are told that between age 0-6 itu saatnya untuk discipline. Age 6-12, training stage. Age 12 and beyond, friendship stage.

So we, young parents, better make sure we discipline them when they are still very young and mudah dibentuk. Bukan di punish loh ya, but di discipline hehe.

Ini baru punya satu anak. Kalo punya 5 anak, gimana rasanya ya wkkwkwkw….

Growing Aiden (3)

Ada term yg describe toddler kalo udah reached 2 years old. People call it ‘The Terrible Two’. Knapa begitu? Karena at this age, toddlers uda bisa throw tantrum. Being stubborn, screaming, refuse to eat/sleep/clean up toys/mandi, or just because they dont get what they want. Well, gue sih experience all that with Aiden, but I dont want to call it the ‘Terrible Two’, instead I call it ‘The Anointed Two’ or lately I discovered, it is actually ‘The FUN Two’! Why? Because spending time with Aiden now is so much fun! Not saying that dulu2 ga fun. Dulu when he was way younger, it was fun too. But now, at 2.5 years old, it was more funner!!!! (if there is a word).

Gue pernah baca ada yg pernah komen, “skarang umur 2 udah Terrible Two, loe belon tau aja ntar umur 3 lebih parah lagi.” Hmm, ga setuju!! In my case sih, it is so much interesting to be with Aiden. Dia udah bisa communicate and express himself better. That’s the fun part because biasanya tingkahnya itu so cuteee/funny. Meskipun sometimes he throws tantrum or misbehave, but masih aja that tantrum bikin gue ketawa coz ada aja yg bikin lucu. So sometimes I had to work hard supaya ga ketawa pas gue mestinya marahin dia. But of coz, there are times when tingkahnya bikin gue kesel but those moments ga bisa dibandingin ama moments2 yg fun ama dia.

I LOVE BEING A MOM! 🙂 It is the best job in the whole world! Cape sih cape, but I have so much fun!

One of the fun parts is making things for Aiden to play/learn with.

I finally find an outlet dimana gue bisa nyambungin my creativity blood and my teaching gift. And gue juga suka make things with my hands. So now when I have kid, I rediscover my passion for Art & Craft. I forgot how much fun it was making things with my hands, karena gue udah terlalu lama berkutat ama komp terus. Yah namanya juga Graphic Designer hehe.

Here are the things that I had made for Aiden…

1. Portable Parking Garage

My absolute win!! 😀

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I love this piece very much! Because it was made from recycled cardboard, bekas kue gitu. Then I spray-painted it black and cut yellow stickers as road signs, cut half of tissue roll to make into road bump/’polisi tidur’. Cut and roll some yellow tissue paper for the Car Wash station.

I make the ramp to the second floor detachable. Using velcro on both pieces so can be detached easily. The point is to make this toy thing compact. After finish playing, Aiden can easily detach everything and pack up, and put them all inside the box!

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Ahh I love smart DIY toy!

2. Water Fountain

Aiden absolutely loves this one because he loves water. Can play this for a long time till all his fingers wrinkled.

water fountain

He loves mixing the colours too. I purposely used clear plastic cups so that he can see the colours.


3. Marble Run

This one looks very simple, but actually needs quite an engineering ‘calculation’ to make sure the marbles run smoothly and don’t go out of path. By trial and error, finally Aiden can play without having to chase the marbles that got away.

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4. ‘Kemah-kemahan’ or Playing Tent

Who doesn’t like to play this during childhood!!!

This tent was made on our bed. Ranjangnya gue and G, and since Aiden loves it so much, gue ga sampe ati buat dismantle it. So literally our bed became like this for a week or so. So gue and G slept inside this thing for almost a week. Aiden juga bobo siang disini. Asik juga sih wkkwkwk.

Beberapa hari after kemah2annya diturunin, Aiden minta2 terus, tarik2 kain nutupin kepala dia and kepala gue and said ‘tent.. tent’. He just can’t get enough of this.

4. Firefly

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And some other crafts that I don’t have time to post yet.

So yah, Aiden had fun, and me too! I love making them all. Meskipun some of them gampang rusak. But I make it my challenge to remake kalo emang Aiden suka, to find a better materials. Gue suka experiment2 making things hehe.

For updates:

– Aiden suka banget ngomong, “bye-bye Daddy”. Ga ada Daddy around pun, dia suka tiba2 bilang “bye2 daddy”. Ngadep lantai juga bisa ngomong “bye2 daddy” ke lantai wkwkkw.

– Vocabularynya dah makin banyak. Ma mau (ga mau), tata (water), dink (drink), tatu (thank u), mamam (makan), layah (lion), lolo (hallo) *kalo angkat telpon, dia “loloooo, loloooo”*, gogo (bobo).

Sampe sekarang masih belon bisa bilang ‘Mommy’. Mama sih bisa. But I call myself Mommy not Mama hehe.

Gue pernah ajarin dia begini,
Gue: Aiden, can you say…. maaaaaa
Aiden: Maaaa

Gue: Miiii
Aiden: Miii

Gue: Maaaaa
Aiden: Maaaa

Gue: Miii
Aiden: Miiii

Gue: Mami!!
Aiden: Daddy!!

Ok deeeee.

The closest that he can say for Mommy is “Maih”

– Aiden udah ga nangis lagi kalo ke sekolah. Skarang kalo dianterin ke skolah, and liat temen2nya dijendela, temen2nya pada heboh, dadah2 sambil teriak2, “aidennnnn, aidennnnn!!” Kayak nyambut selebritis aja wkkwkwk. Jadi Aiden skarang udah ga pernah nangis lagi kalo ditinggal di skul.

Di skul, dia suka satu cewe yg namanya Felicia. Aduhhhhh masih kecil gini kok uda suka2an. Beberapa kali Aiden nangis pas liat Felicia pulang. Pertama kali G kirain it was just a coincidence Aiden nangis waktu liat Felicia pulang naek taxi. Aiden kayak ga mau pulang gitu, maunya ngikut Felicia sampe ke taxi. Trus pas si cewe naek ke dalam taxi, Aiden kayak mandangin dari luar dengan tampang sedih.

Nah terus the next day, gue yg jemput Aiden. Eh ternyata it happened again just like that! Dia merengek2 pingin ngikutin si Felicia and grandmanya yg lagi jalan naek taxi. Kita jadi detour deh. Then Aiden ngejarrrrrr mereka. Then waktu taxinya pegi, Aiden juga ngejar itu taxi sampe taxinya ga keliatan.


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Aduh kayak pilem Korea ajaaaaaaa! No no no, Aiden, you are too young for this!!
Di skolah, ada satu cewe yg suka ama Aiden. Dia orang Philippines, cantik, matanya gede. Tapi Aiden ga suka, ternyata dia sukanya yg sipit2 Cina kayak Felicia kwkwkwkwk.. 😛
And lastly, my favourite photo of the week…

2013-05-11 21.26.42

Here Aiden nemenin Daddy latian for his 10K charity run. Not bad, si Aiden lari, jalan, dan occasionally jatuh… total for 3 laps. And the last photo yg lagi stretching itu. Aiden ngeliat G stretching, dia ikut2an padahal kita ga suruh begitu kwkwkwk. Then waktu G goyang2 pinggulnya for stretching, Aiden goyang2in kepalanya doank sambil duduk karena cape wkkwkw. So very funny.

Thats why it’s not ‘The Terrible Two.’

Have I mentioned, I love being a mom?? 😀












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Protected: Growing Aiden (2)

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Growing Aiden (1)

Alo smuanya!

Dah lama ya my blog adem ayem hehe. Btw, I’d like to start a new series yg judulnya ‘Growing Aiden’, where gue bakal nulis mostly ttg Aiden. His perkembangan, his keunikan etc. As time goes by, smakin kelihatan karakternya dan lain sebagainya.

1. Aiden anaknya cautious, alias ati-ati. Anak lain mungkin suka lari kmana2, atau nabrak sana-nabrak sini. Kalo Aiden, dia tuh agak2 ga mungkin menjadi ‘liar’ wkwkkw.

For example, kita sometimes biarin Aiden jalan sendiri, lepas dari strollernya. Like a few metres behind us. Or maybe kita lagi duduk dimana, then Aiden keliling sendiri. Kita ga worry sih, karena dia ga pernah jauh2 dari kita. Mau explore2 pun, he makes sure ga jauh. Kalo dia lagi jalan sama kita terus tiba2 dia stop or ke tempet laen karena distracted, nanti juga waktu dia liat kita menjauh and say bye to him, dia akan balik ngekorin kita lagi. Kalo gak ngekor, biasanya cara ampuh gue buat dia balik lagi ke gue adalah… teriak, manggil dia sambil ngomong, “Oneeeee…. *buka tangan lebar2*, twoooo *pasang senyum lebar2*…. ” dan kalo dia liat gue begitu, most times dia bakalan senyum gede and lari ke gue.. and when he reaches me, I’ll say “three!!!”, pick him up and muter2 ama dia wkwkwk. He loves it sih biasanya.

Kalo dengan nada marah, or merintah dia untuk dateng, kemungkinan besar dicuekin ama dia, tapi kalo dibikin fun for him to come back to me, baru dia dateng dengan suka cita wkkwkwkw.

But there were times dimana gue udah pasang wajah gue yg paling manis dengan tangan terbuka lebar2, menunggu dia lari ke gue, … but gue tetep dicuekin…

2. Aiden jijikan. Dia ga suka ama sand, mud, playdough, stickers, anything that are sticky. Apalagi kalo nempel ditangan dia. Tampangnya jijik banget gitu, ogah megang and nyodor2in ke gue supaya gue yg ambil. Kmaren sempet maen ama bubbles di bathtub, seneng maen airnya, tapi ama bubblenya dia agak2 jijik, tangannya cepet2 dibersihin.

Waktu dia umur setaonan, gue pernah bikin homemade playdough buat dia. Lumayan ribet bikinnya, dan gue bikin beberapa macem warna. They turned out nice. Gue bikinnya kira2 took one hour. Eh pas dikasih Aiden, dia pegang2 bentar, kasih tampang jijik then kabur maen mobil. He only touched it for 3 secs. Trus beberapa minggu lalu, gue coba lagi kasih playdough beneran (no way i’m gonna make one again), reaksinya tetep sama hUAEHuaHEaE. Cape dhe.

Trus gue itu udah kebayang2 bakal have fun maen di pasir ama dia. Pas itu udah bawa dia kepantai beberapa kali, bawa2 maenan buat dipasir. Eh dia juga ga suka. Tangannya kena pasir aja jijik hAUEhuaEHuaHE. Ok dheeee…

3. Aiden udah mulai throw tantrum, dan suka drama. Alias kayak ‘drama queen’ gitu. Kalo ga dibolehin something, dia langsung *dengan gaya india* menjatuhkan badannya ke lantai dengan berlutut, then tengkurep, and menangis meratapi nasibnya sambil putting his hands to cover his face,tengkurep face down on the floor sambil sesegukan. Persis kayak episode sinetron dimana sang artis mendapatkan kabar yg sangat menggenaskan. Tapi of coz Aiden actingnya lebih keren dan dramatis.

4. So far bisa ngomong, “daddy”, “no more”, and “yabae”. Smuanyaaaa “yabae” wkwkkw. Ga ngerti apa maksudnya. Mungkin mau bilang “DIA baek” wkwkkw

5. Suka bye2 in orang. Aiden bestfren-an ama supir bus yg busnya kita take to send him to skul everyday. Bisa saling kiss bye segala ama tuh supir bus wkkwkw.

Kalo kita jemput dari skolah, Aiden say bye2 ke gurunya bisa sampe 3 menitan. Udah bye2, jalan dikit, eh ntar balik lagi, bye2 lagi ama gurunya. Sampe gurunya cape, and aiden di lead keluar sambil bilang “ok, ok bye bye.”

So yeah, Aiden beddey is coming this Saturday. Sebenernya gue bingung mo ngapain buat ngerayainnya wkkwkw. And kalo dirayain rame2, dia tuh ga suka keramean. Kalo banyak orang yg deketin dia or berusaha ajak maen dia, dia biasanya agak cranky and maunya nempel aja ama kita. Of coz we dont want him to be stressed on his beddey. Karakternya Aiden itu dia lebih suka ga diperhatiin orang banyak wkwkwk. Kalo dia sadar banyak orang ngeliatin dia, dia pasti diem ditempat sambil menunduk. Kadang2 lucu banget gayanya. Bisa malu gitu kalo diliatin orang2. Beberapa kali, pake tangannya buat nutupin mukanya, supaya ga keliatan orang2 kekekeke.

Tapi kalo orang2 ga gitu ‘gangguin’ dia, dia bisa adjust with his surrounding, and bisa berani mulai maen2 sendiri. It took him sometime sih to adjust with new environment.

Kmaren ada yg nanya ke Aiden, mo hadiah apa for his beddey.. wkwkwkkw. Yah as usual, kalo ada yg mo ngasih tapi bingung mo ngasih apa, gue tulis disini deh for guidance wkwkwkw.

1. Art & Craft supplies
Gue mo mulai ajarin Aiden berbagai macem art & craft. So things like washable paints, brush, etc etc will be good. Please choose yg safe for toddler. 😀

2. Educational toys
Things like wooden puzzle, wooden blocks, lego, dll. Ya tinggal tanya ama tokonya aja, educational toys buat 2 yrs old.

3. DVD Praise N Worship
Ini mah ga ada matinya. Sampe skarang si Aiden masih enjoy watching his abank Michael W Smith. Masih suka joget2 and worship bareng abank michael. So maybe DVDnya Hillsong Kids or yg buat orang gede juga boleh.

4. Transportation things
Aiden lovessss his cars, trucks etc. Tidur pun kadang2 maksa harus meluk mobil. Satu dipegang ditangan kanan, satu ditangan kiri. Baru deh pules tidurnya. Maybe bisa kasih dia things like parking garage, or car park or things like that. So he can play with his cars. Kayak disusun or apaan kek wkwkkw.

5. Shisedo Compact Foundation Powder
Lho. Ini mah buat emaknya hihihi j/k. Btw si Aiden suka banget merhatiin gue pake make-up. Dia perhatiin gue secara intensely saat gue pake eyeliner, mascara etc etc, and tiap kali selesai satu step, gue slalu nanya dia, “is it nice, Aiden?” and Aiden selalu senyum and ngangguk2. And gawatnya, Aiden kapan ari ikutan ambil lipstik and dia teken2 ke bibirnya kwkwkwkwk. Trus dia juga ngerti ambil lotion rambut gue and dipeperin ke rambutnya. Dia juga udah bisa ambil hairdryer gue yg berbentuk sisir, dan disisirin ke rambut wkkwkwkw.


Quote of the week

We are not human beings having spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having human experience.


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