Menipu seorang penipu

Kalian pasti sering dapet email dari orang yg ga dikenal, yg tiba2 offer million dollars if you help them transfer their fund to some countries or charities. Mereka ngakunya mereka sakit2an, dah ga punya sapa2 buat dikasih warisannya, so somehow they get hold of your email, and some of them pake sebut2 God lagi, saying that God said to them to transfer the fund to us. Etc etc…

Tau donk what kind of emails I’m talking about. Gue sering banget tuh dapet yg begituan. Kadang2 bete juga and cant help thinking emang ada yah orang yg ketipu? Eh setelah gue iseng2 ngegoogle, ternyata ga dikit juga loh yg ketipu dengan scam2 kayak gini.

Nah sapa nyangka gue ternyata hampir ketipu ama seorang scammer. Dengan cara yg laen of coz. Kali ini ttg property.

This happened last Nov when gue lagi cari master room buat rent. So gue post my request di internet lah, dibeberapa website. Then ada satu cowo yg reply to my ad, saying that he got a master room for me to rent. Rumahnya di Clarke Quay, and harganya $1000. Wah harga segitu buat master room di daerah Clarke Quay sangat ok banget. Karena daerah situ lumayan elit. Yah jadi gue reply dia balik lah, nanya2 detailsnya.

Dibawah ini emails antara gue and tuh cowo, yg ngaku namanya Yohann. Email dia, gue ketik pake biru. Email gue pake merah. Kalo warna item berarti comment gue… hehehe


Thanks for your response. The rooms are still available and the address of my apartment is:

RiverWalk Apartments
20 Upper Circular Road,
Singapore 058416
Block B, Apartment # 02-02

You can search the location on Google Map ( ) and check if it fits.

I stay alone in the apartment at present. It is not as though I am always lonely but flatmates come and go. My last flatmate was from China and she is such a good person. She moved out last weeks because she finished her schooling. We still keep in touch though Smile We had been flatmates for one year while I was renting the third room once in a while. Smile So I am not new to flatmating and most times, I meet my flatmates online through sites like this. I am the only child of my parents and they(My Parents) are in London.

The apartment is a three bedroom apartment/Condo and the two rooms are available for both immediate and later move in.The rooms have a heating/Cooling system, a bath tub, a central table, a reading desk, Wardrobe, A big bed that can sleep three persons, Internet connection ( BROADBAND- with wireless router), Phone cord in rooms, access to the fully fitted kitchen,Car Park; fellow flatmates are entitled to their own visitors and they can stay the night only when I am earlier informed Smile The rent is 1000SGD while you would pay a refundable security deposit of 1600SGD. This deposit would be refunded to you at the end of your stay as this is the normal procedure everywhere. The rooms and the apartment has been furnished to modern Standard.

The balcony entrance opens onto the living area offering a cosy sofa, a dinning table for 4 guests and a well equipped open-space kitchen corner. There is air-conditioning and wooden floors throughout the apartment and tile in the bathroom floors.My apartment is located in Singapore City Center and is just two minutes walk to the MRT. The area has many recreational areas and park and access to pubs and supermarkets. The nearest MRT is the Clarke Quay

I should have done this earlier but I think it is still okay: My Name is YohannI am 27years old French Male. My Mother owns the apartment and it is a private apartment. I like reading, listening to music,Swimming and also like going to the cinemas when I have the time. I am a calm and easygoing person.

If you have any more inquiries and questions, let me know and I would be more than glad to respond.


Wah gue lumayan surprised ama his friendliness. Mana ada owner yg nulis email panjang banget gitu, cerita2 lagi. Biasanya juga langsung tanpa babibu arrange for viewing. Well, gue kira maybe becoz he’s French kali yah. Jadi sangat sociable.  Detik ini sih gue masih belon curiga. So gue reply, gue interested in viewing the place coz kedengerannya tempatnya lovely.


I apologize for the delay in response. I was on my way to London.How are you doing?.. I have now scanned and attached with this email, the pictures of my apartment and also of the rooms. The rooms are all the same and have the same amenities and facilities..

The rooms, like I said earlier, has it’s own bathroom and toilet for private use. The living room is a part of the living room where you can have guest and also relax when we don’t want to stay in the Living room. The other parts of the apartment are also attached for you to see… Even the Laundry room and about the cleaning of the house, there is a cleaner who comes to the house to do the cleaning every day…

The Little room is more like the living room but in a smaller dimension. It is a place where we can relax and also entertain visitors. The room I am renting is the one tagged The Bedroom. The third room might be used as a guest room for my visitors and also your visitors as well.

The rent is 1000SGD while the security deposit is 1600SGD but my Mom says u can pay 1000SGD for the deposit as well.

For us to proceed, there has to be a tenement agreement document which would confirm us as flatmates and also would be a guideline for our living as flatmates. For this document to be prepared, do get back to me with:

– Your move in date
– Your planned move out date ( or Contract period); this period can be either extended or terminated.
– Your address for me to send you your keys to your room and the apartment, your rent receipt and also your rent document.
– Your scanned ID/Passport for Identification.

Once my lawyer gets these details, the contract shall be prepared and then the next step would be for You to sign on the the contract confirming that you have reserved the room and also make payment to my mother and this payment would have to be made before you move in.

I wait to read from you soonest with these details so that we can proceed to been flatmates.


Gue liat tuh poto2 apartmentnya yg dia email. Gileeee mantap abis!! Gue langsung so excited dapet rumah beginian.

Ini nih potonya…

Gimana!!! Keren kan!!!! Apalagi pas dia bilang the last photo is my bedroom. Ya gue langsung demen lah, cozy bgt. For $1000 permonth, master room di daerah Clarke Quay and with so many facilities, yah tentu aja worth it banget.

Sangking excitednya, gue liatttttt terus poto2nya karena seneng. Then lama2 gue jadi malah curiga. Dipikir2 ini kok aneh ya potonya. They look like straight from IKEA Catalog. Bersih banget and ga ada sama skali bekas2 manusia hidup disitu. Thanks to my background as a graphic designer yg sering edit2 poto, gue ngeliat ini poto2nya smua kok pake perfect lighting and nothing is out of place. So perfect. Ga mungkin orang biasa bisa take these kind of indoor photo, dah pasti harus pake equipment2 khusus. Then!!!!! I noticed ada fireplace di poto living roomnya!!!! COME ON!! FIREPLACE IN SPORE?!?!?!?!? AHEuAHEuAHEuaEuaH ketauannn lahhhhh bo’ongggg!!!!!

Dipikir2 lagi, for a place in that area with that kind of rental fee, definitely terlalu rendah banget. Which is sooooo too good to be true, and I have learned from internet experience that sometimes emang things that are too good to be true itu emang boong wkakakkaka

Nah disini gue curiga tambah gede!! Gue baca2 lagi emailnya, smakin tambah curiga:
1. Dia minta pake lawyer sgala. Gue selama ini udah pengalaman nyewa rumah/kamar for 10 years plus ga pernah yg namanya pake lawyer.

2. Dia nanya2 ttg ID gue. Gue ada common practice where I dont give my ID to anyone I dunno lewat online.

3. Dia juga bilang dia ada cleaner yg dateng tiap ari to clean. Which is a very unusual practice in Spore.

4. Dia minta alamat gue buat send his apartment keys so that I can view the place myself. Jadi maksudnya gue ga bakalan bisa ketemu dia personally? Wah tambah curiga gue!

To prove my ‘curiga-ness’, gue berusaha korek2 lagi dari dia.

From me:

Oh you are in London now. For holiday? When are you coming back to Singapore?


No, I am not here on Holidays, I am here for a training course.

When do you want to move in and are you new in Singapore?

Gue noticed that he kept avoiding when we can set date to view the place.

From me:
I’m planning to move in on Dec. When can we view the place?


You may go see the house. Although there is nobody there, you can still have a first hand experience of the apartment when you get to the Riverwalk apartments.

I do not think I would be back before December so that means I would be sending you the keys from here.

Do get back to me with your contract details so that the contract can be prepared,

Thanks for the prompt reply.

I’m a bit unclear here, so I hope you can fill me in. Do you mean that I have to give you payment first before we can get the keys to view your place?


Before any payments can be received, We need to proceed to the contract so that we can be clear about all situations and when we have agreed to the contract, we can then proceed to the payments and then I shall send you the keys.

Please send me your contract details so that I can send it to my family lawyer and then we can proceed to the contract and I shall send it to you via email for your perusal.

I hope you understand now and since I am not i Singapore now, we need a security and the contract is a good security…

Waiting to read from you soonest with contract details so we can proceed,



Now he’s using ‘flatmate’ as a sign off.. AHEuaHEuaEHE. Btw notice that dia selalu minta gue to supply my ID to him.

Trus gue check2 google kan. Ternyata banyak di Spore or anywhere else yg kena rental scam.  Kebanyakan ownernya claim to be overseas, jadi smua contact, payment etc harus lewat online. Then owner said he will send the keys to the house once dia dah received the deposit. Tapi ternyata the keys never arrive. And the owner disappears after getting ur deposit.

Nah, gue penasaran. Gue tau ini cowo penipu nih. Gue jadi gregetan, so gue played along .. wkwkwkwk. Iseng and mo wasting his time gitu.

Hi Yohann,

Is your family lawyer here in Singapore? We can go straight to him to provide him with our details, to save you from all the hassles since you are so far away.


Dear Nelly,

My family lawyer is here in the UK, where my Mother is.

Once you send me your details, I shall send it to him and he shall prepare the contract.

I hope you understand now,

Hi Yohann,

Pardon me for being a little bit cautious. Before I give my personal details online, I would like to see a sample of the rental contract you are mentioning. Maybe you can ask your lawyer to draft a contract, leaving the name out. So I know what kind of contract that we are getting into. And it is a common practice for me not to give any of my details online as I had met some friends whose identity were stolen through the web. I hope you understand as well. No harm in both of us being cautious right? 🙂

But we really do love your place! Thats why we want to do this right.


Future flatmate, (gue sengaja biar keliatan gue hooked wkwkwkw)
Gideon and Nelly

Alright Gideon and Nelly,

How is your day going?… I understand. So send me your move in date and move out date.

The spaces for the names would be left blank and after you have read the contract, You will fill it in with Pen and then sign on it. And then, we shall proceed to confirmation alright?

So just send me your Move In Date And How Long You Want the tenement agreement contract to last or how long you want to stay in my apartment.



Sampai disini gue stop emailing him. Waktu gue research2 about scam ginian, gue came across one website yg komunitasnya berisi orang2 yg ‘take care’ of these scammers. Mereka jago banget. Did a lot of tricks and wasting the scammers’s money and time instead. Malah banyak yg ngerjain scammersnya balik. They are like networking dibeberapa negara gitu, saling membantu tricking the scammers back. Nah gue dibantu ama beberapa dari mereka HAEUhAUEhUAEH.. 😛 gimana cara handle the scammer gitu. And saat gue ceritain my case, most of them kasih gue caution that I should not continue soalnya my email address yg itu basically bisa track me. Kalo gue mo ngerjain tuh scammer, hati2 karena dia bisa track me from my email address, since it is actually my primary email address yg gue pake dimana2. Jadi kata mereka  mendingan jangan diterusin. So yah gue nurut lah ama yg expert 😛 . Gue somehow amazed ama mereka, karena mereka tuh bener2 professional. Sampe set up fake phone lines, fake bank account, fake documents to trick the scammers. And ga sedikit scammers yg malah harus keluar duit to send this and that. Senjata makan tuan gitu. Very very interesting.

And since kejadian ama Yohann, gue jadi iseng pingin ngerjain scammer HAEUhAUEhauEH. So I set up a fake email etc etc. wakakakkak. 😛 And blajar gimana caranya ngerjain scammers and also certain rules from that website yg gue mentioned diatas.. hehehehe. Most of these scammers are from Nigeria, tapi ga sedikit juga skarang yg dari Asia. Typical scammers are, mereka very nice and have a very polite english at first, karena mereka following a written script. Once kita udah bisa steer them away from their script, kita bisa liat how badly their English is.

And finally one day, I got a scammer in my fake email address!! Wah seneng loh saat itu AHEuaHEuAEHuaEH.

Ada email yg ngaku namanya Sherry Jaunther. Suffering from cancer, lagi di hospital. Dia looking for someone trustworthy, yg dia bisa transfer her money to fund a church, orphanage etc. You know, the usual stuff with proper written English.

Then gue reply dia, gue ngaku nama gue Hannah Montaineah, devoted Christian, doing a little bit modelling for career, supporting charity work etc etc. Jadi gue sangat senang dia contact gue, karena gue definitely ada channel where ‘she’ can transfer her money for donation.

Ini reply dia…

Dear Hannah Montaineah,

Thank you for your immediate write up to me, however i’m more than happy to hear that you are God fearing, How is your family today? also the economy growth of your country? i’m sending below  a copy of my identification to you for your perusal only, and i shall be needing yours in your return mail to me. are you married?

I am pleased to receive your mail and your keen interest to assist me in doing this great work of Almighty God towards humanity. I do not require much from you, only that I needed a reliable individual whom will help me use this fund the way it pleases Almighty God by building schools and orphanage centers as well as giving help to widows and promoting God’s work here on earth.

As soon as i have your identification i shall introduce you to my attorney who shall be working hand to hand with you towards the sucess of this project in God’s fearing, i need to have your contact address, telephone and mobile number immediately.

I shall be waiting to hear from you.
Sherry Jaunther.

Proper English kan and dia langsung sent me ‘her’ passport copy tanpa gue minta, tapi dia minta passport copy gue in return.

This is ‘her’ copy. Definitely a fake. Gue taruh tulisan ‘fake’ disitu karena that’s one of the rules of the website. So no scammer can use it again.

Nah, sebagai seorang Graphic Designer, mata gue dah ketrained untuk ngeliat kalo poto diatas itu udah jelas2 fake. I think ga perlu seorang designer, orang biasa pun bisa ngeliat. Liat aja the beda contrast poto and the rest of the page and the text.

So gue play along loh .. hehehe…

Hi Sherry,

Thank you for your identification copy. From your picture, I can see that you are a very pleasant lady.

To answer your question, no, I’m not married yet. I’ve been dedicating my life for social work. I gain quite a large sum of money from doing a little bit modelling, so I use it to help funding my church. That’s why I don’t really have time to focus on finding a soulmate. Smile (biar dia ngira gue cakep and banyak duit buat ditipu)

I would like to get to know you better too, so I can tell my church elders and the orphanage more about you. I’m sure they will be so delighted to find a good hearted Samaritan like you to help with the funding. We are very priviledged to have met you.


Karena dia minta my passport copy, gue attached a big MP3 file kira2 43Mb and renamed it jadi passport.jpeg. Supaya dia downloadnya lama and at the end ga bisa buka wkwkkwkwkw..

Could you resend your identifcation, it’s balnk cannot view anything, send it right away so that i can introduce my attorney to you, however your suggestion is ok, by your church communicating with him to hasten up the transfer of the funds.

Notice that dia udah mulai off the script and bahasanya dah mulai kaco.. hehehe..


It’s blank? That’s weird. I have tried sending it to myself, and it works fine. Where are you located? Maybe your Internet Service Provider is blocking it. There are some ISP in some countries who put firewall, so some pictures can’t be downloaded. Let me attached another one. Let’s see if it works. I’m using T3RaSI image compressor btw. (T3RaSI=terasi hehehehe)

In the meantime, I have given your details to my church elder. He will contact you soon. How is your health?

Gue  sent him a badly scanned passport page.

I cant still view your identification, what is the problem, are you hiding yourself from me or what? i need to have a clear picture of your identification, contact address and your telephone number first, before your church will contact me, is that ok.

Whoa disini dia dah mulai sounds nasty and losing his patience.. wkakakakka. Mulai keliatan his true colour. Gue juga ga mo kalah donk. Lanjut kerjainnnnnnnn!!! 😛


Why are you accusing me? … Hiding from you? …I have no reason to do
so. Or are you playing with me? Opening the file should be very simple.
I have tried sending it to my other contacts and even submitting it to
the immigration for my overseas visa application, and it works just

I’m curious, what operating system are you using? Maybe it’s the
computer in the hospital that you are using is not up to the standard.
Should ask the nurse for a better one. If you still can’t open it, maybe
I can send it through post to your hospital. What’s your hospital and
your room number? Alternatively, aren’t you located in Amsterdam? I
actually have friends there who can drop by and pass you my
identification copy.

I hope this is a genuine deal we are doing. I have talked to my elders
and they are already preparing the proper forms for your funds to go
through. (threaten him a bit and hooking him with the promise that the funds lagi di process)

Lok if you cannot do exactly what i told you to do, then you had better back off, i dont need stress in my life, at this stage ok. so send a clean copy of your identification.

Tambah nasty!!!!!!! wkakakakakaka. Ketauan dehhhh belangnya dia. And gue mulai ngawur2 kasih nama ke dia.. wkwkwwkw.

I understand you are not feeling very well there. With your condition, you should take a lot of rest ok. I will scan and send it again. Btw, my elders are asking me about how we should do the fund transfer. Bank account or how? Let’s make this deal as fast and smooth as possible. My church has already preparing the forms for the donation transfer.

And they want to know, is there any specific group of people you want to fund? We do have some charities under our wings. Like, widows whose husbands were killed by Mad-Rat disease, children who are suffering from rare Phil-collinsa disease, to name a few.

I enclose some pics of our previous charity events. Let me explain the pics to you so you know more about us and you can have a peace of mind knowing that you are choosing the right people to donate, .

The file entitled ‘me and Magda’, it’s a picture of me and one of the children who suffers from Phil-collinsa disease. She has a severe phobia of high pitch note. But she is a very brave girl and in the way of recovery. I’m very proud of her. I’m actually sponsoring her since she was very young.

The rest of the pics, I’m the one in very light green shirt, the tall one. We were supplying rice and other basic necessity to a village in Kampong Pete Goreng in West Malaysia.

Very grateful of your kindness ok,

Gue attached potonya Dewi Sandra, and ngaku itu gue.. AHEuAHEUhAUEHAE. 😛

Gue named pic ini 'Me and Magda.jpeg'

And gue juga gave him some other random pics biar keliatannya ‘gue’ lagi doing charity work. Gue ga tau cewe baju ijo muda itu sapa, gue dapet poto2nya dari internet. Yg penting dia mirip Sandra Dewi lah dari jauh wkakakakak…

Thank you for your email, well can i have your contact address, and telephone number, are you married? what is your present occupation? i need to have a picture of you alone ok, try and scan and send it immediately, so that i shall introduce you to my attorney who shall be working with you to secure all the legal documentation of the funds under your name or your charity organization.

I shall be waiting to hear from you with a scaned copy of your identification, for example Id card or international passport.

Terima Khasi.
Sherry Jaunther.

AEHuaHEuAHEUaEH kali ini dia sign off pake ‘terima kasih’!

Btw, after this email, gue jadi males sih continue heheheheheh. Karena juga saat itu lagi sibuk2nya ngurusin wedding so yah gue stop ngerjain ini orang..

Ya inilah salah satu contoh keisengan gue yg level tinggi. Hehehehe. Jangan ditiru ya 😛

30 Responses to “Menipu seorang penipu”

  1. 1 nanda August 4, 2010 at 5:03 pm

    bukan dewi sandra ce, sandra dewi AHAHAHAHHAA sampe kebalik gitu… iye tuh gw juga pernah dulu… ^^

  2. 3 Erica August 4, 2010 at 6:05 pm

    Ci this is really funny! Ahahaha esp the sandra dewi part. U sld do that nxt time again ci ahaha

  3. 5 tsuk45a August 4, 2010 at 10:06 pm

    bener2 iseng sih ce
    panjang bener post e
    itu brp lama tuh ce process e
    hehehehehe…….. tp true, sering dpt email2 ga jelas dr nigeria

  4. 7 Eric Steven August 5, 2010 at 1:45 am

    kasian bgt yg foto sama sandra dewi, dibilang kena penyakit Phil-collinsa disease

    nice post ci 😀

  5. 9 irene yg manis August 5, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    HAHAHAHAHA. ci gw ngakak abiss!! harus nya lo lanjutin aja nih kerjain nya!!!

  6. 11 bonsapi August 6, 2010 at 12:12 am

    ini lucu dan super kocak! gua jadi pgn isengin org

  7. 13 ncuz August 6, 2010 at 9:10 am

    parah2 *geleng2 kepala*
    begini ini ni sang cici…. No comment

  8. 16 Mel August 7, 2010 at 2:16 am

    Hai ci, bs di bilang aq silent reader cici. Blm lama jg sih, baru 1 blnan, dan tadi aq ada coba visit Jtown Cafe di midpoint mall. I tried going there two weeks ago but it was after 9 so ko budi (sepertinya dia ko budi soalny mirip ama yg di gambar sih hehehehe) blg cafeny sdh tutup. aq kesana lagi tadi dan martabakny enak lhoo..

    Aq cm mau blg, blog cici jd inspirasi aq kalo God itu memang exist. I’m amazed at your faith in God.. Im not a christian but dl aq skolah di skolah katolik so i know a lil bit about God. 🙂

    And just to share with cici, today I experience smth different. it was amazing how things could work out. I had a problem and was crying badly on my way out from school. I need someone to talk to, and just walking aimlessly and God lead me to a church. I met a priest and talked to him and went to admiration room to talk to Him. Feeling much much better after that. He didn’t say anything, I couldnt hear Him. but I’m amazed at what He can do. I went out of the church, no longer crying but smiling to myself. Aq sdh lama ngga experience hal seperti ini. n i wonder what can i do show my gratitude to Him?

    and kalo blh mel tau, church cici ini located di daerah mana? if it’s near, i will try to spare some time utk visit church cici and talk to Him there.

    Makasih ya..

    • 17 nelotte August 8, 2010 at 3:17 pm

      alo mel, greja kita di Orchard Hotel. Kalo mo dateng, contact me aje dulu gitu, biar gampang nyarinya…

      Keep on searching for Him, and u will find Him… 😀

  9. 18 Michael Aulia August 9, 2010 at 2:38 pm

    Gile iseng amat sih ahaha gue jg suka bete sih dapet email gitu2an, bawa2 nama Tuhan pula

    Kepengen bales tapi ya pikir2 sebaiknya jangan deh..kalau pengen bales pasti ntar akhirnya jadi ikutan bohong2 juga kan buat ngerjain doang ahhaha biar dia ketimpa batunya sendiri aja deh one day 😀

  10. 20 Yohan Wibisono August 12, 2010 at 11:34 am

    Salam Kenal dariku, artikel menarik 😀 Sekalian mau bilang Met Puasa bagi yang puasa. Met sejahtera bagi yang gak njalanin. Semoga selamat & damai dimuka Bumi. Amin 😀

  11. 22 daniel September 30, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    huehehehehehehe …. niat banget ngerjain balik para penipu …. kreatip pisan …..

  12. 24 Lancang kunyit October 8, 2010 at 9:08 pm

    Hi,post ne memang berguna bagi newbie seperti saya,thank pada tt

  13. 25 Christopher Andios October 21, 2010 at 8:04 pm

    Bener, kita mesti aware dengan berbagai penipuan dimana-mana. Mungkin kita mesti beli alarm, “awas ada penipu lewat:)” Nice post, dan salam kenal. Love life live love!

  14. 28 webpages April 20, 2011 at 4:56 pm

    kalau ane sering banget tuh masuk k SPAM email ane,kagak pernah ane tanggepin soal’a bego aja kalau ditanggepin

  15. 30 Yenny September 12, 2014 at 6:16 pm

    kenapa banyak penipu ya sekarang..hehe

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