‘Behind the scene’ of Ps. Kong Hee incident

Kmaren I had an interesting conversations with my colleagues di kantor ttg kejadian Kong Hee. Sebut aja colleague gue ini namanya YS and M. M cewe, YS cowo.

Sebenernya YS ini orangnya rada2 nyebelin HAUEhAUEHaE, dia baru di promote jadi manager gue and suka nyuruh2. And dia suka kasih gue kerjaan yang dia ga pingin kerjain, salah satunya adalah bikin model yg lumayan susah dan sebenernya lebih cocok dikerjain ama cowo. Karena kotor dll, pake pasir, tanah dan laen sbagainya lah. And he can be very rude lah ngomongnya kalo dia lagi upset. Overall, not a really nice guy.

Anyways, tiba2 kmaren my big boss nanyain gue, “so what do u think of the City Harvest accident?”, gue jawab lah gue sedih etc etc. Anyway, satu kantor tau kalo gue ini Christian. My boss juga kristen tapi ga bener2 devoted gitu deh. So I’m the only Christian here.

After my boss gone, si YS and M yg satu ruangan sama gue, langsung ngajak gue ngobrol soal Ps. Kong Hee. Which is for me very interesting, karena gue pingin tau pendapat mereka as unbelievers…

Here is the conversations, seinget gue… (anyway stylenya abit Singlish ya, hahahahah)

YS: Can I ask u something?  Do u think he did it?

Me: I have no idea. I actually had respect for him, he was a respectable man. But maybe along the way he fell into temptation? Who knows… we are human, and he is human. If there is 23 million dollars in front of our eyes, we might do the same, u know. But anyway, he’s not proven guilty yet…

YS:  But what I dun understand, he still have followers! People support him! I mean the government got proof already thats why he was arrested, surely he is guilty! How come still got people support him!

Me: Well, he is just being alleged. Not guilty yet as far as I know.. And people have faith in Ps. Kong Hee.

YS: But, let me ask you, if u are from their church, why don’t u change church?

Me: No lah. I won’t change church. Like my church now, I would never change church. It’s like family, we are very close. We spend time together, pray together etc etc…

YS: Ohhhh now I know why he has followers! *he said it with a smirk*

Me: Well, not really followers like they follow him blindly… they know that eventhough if Ps. Kong is found guilty, I believe they still will forgive him and accept him…

YS: but how do u forgive?

Me: Christianity is about forgiveness. We all sin, we are human. It’s like a relationship between a father and son. If your son sins or do something bad, u don’t throw him away right? He will receive punishment of coz, but since he is your son, you will still forgive him and accept him. And if Ps. Kong really guilty, he will get punishment of coz.

YS: Oh, so he will get punished?

Me: Yes of coz! Yes, we forgive, God forgives, but that doesn’t mean it just stops there. Every sin has consequences. If Ps. Kong did it, he will definitely get the punishment, he will have to pay the price. The price of that sin.  God is a just judge too, He won’t let u get away with sin, you will have to pay the price..

Then tiba2 my other colleague, si M, asked…

M: I ask u something, I heard we must give 10% of our salary. Is it compulsory?

Me: It’s not compulsory like u are forced to do it. It’s our willingness to give because it is said in the Bible that we have to. And also it’s about faith in God. God wanna see u trust more in money or in Him. If He asks u to give Him your money, will u give it away or u cling to it?

M: But how about if like us, we got kids then we dont have much money, can we give like whatever we want to give? no need 10%?

Me: Actually God wanna see your faith. U see, I have been faithfully tithing since I became Christian. As you guys know that I dont have a lot of money, sometimes financial very tight, but I always tithe. Eventhough my money only a bitttt left. But u see, soooooo many miracles happen! There was one time I asked God how we r going to buy milk for my boy… and all of a sudden out of nowhere, my friend called me and he worked at the company which produces the milk that my boy drinks, and he gave me 40-50 tins of milk because he needed to clear stocks! Can u imagine that?!?! Out of nowhere! And things like this happens a lot of times, people bless us with things when we are in need. So, actually God wanna see your faith, whether u trust Him to take care of u or u trust more in your money. It’s all about faith.

M: wah really ah?? milk?? 

YS: 50 tins?

Me: Yeah! You know milk is very expensive right!!

M: Like that also can ah?

All along tampangnya YS agak kayak ngeremehin gitu, but when I shared about the milk, tampangnya berubah, kayak menyimak.. wkwkkwkw. Belon tau aja dia, gue belon cerita kalo people sometimes give us cheques out of the blue. Ada yg tiba2 manggil gue and said that he dreamed kalo dia write a cheque for us. And he believes God spoke to him. And he gave us a cheque.. and it happens a number of times, orang kasih kita cheque.. wkwkwk. Kalo si YS tau gitu, pasti dia lebih bengong lagi… hehehehe How amazing our God is… 😀

YS: If Kong Hee is found guilty, he will be in jail for 20 years. If he comes out, u think he can come back as a pastor?

Me: Well, maybe… but I guess, it will be hard to trust him again. It takes time to build trust again. So yah we’ll see how, we still dunno if he’s guilty or not right? But anyway, we will always forgive him. Human can make mistake. The more we have fame, money, we can make the same mistake.

So yah kira begitu conversationnya. Very interesting getting point of view from unbelievers.

But anyways, I can see how God works thru all this. You see, jarang2 orang jadi interested in Christianity, apalagi orang2 kantor. Coba kalo kita berusaha menginjili apa gimana, pasti mereka biasanya ignorant/ga mau tau kan. But with this incident, Christianity jadi disorot. And lots of people jadi talk about it! This is a very good time to share our Christian faith! A good time for us to straighten up all those misinterpretation of Christian values among the unbelievers!

Wah pas gue ditanya2in gitu ama si M and YS, gue excited bgt. Kapan lagi man!!! hAUEhauEhaE. Jarang2 hati mereka terbuka buat dengerin ginian.

U see, what Satan meant to harm men,.. in this case, Ps. Kong Hee incident… Satan meant to use this to make other people judge Christians/Church/Christianity.. making them less honourable… but God ALWAYS turn everything around and use it for His Glory!

So no need to worry that people will turn away from Jesus/Christianity after this incident, I believe God allows this to happen for His divine purpose. Ga peduli Ps kong Hee bersalah apa ga, Tuhan allows this to happen to him and City Harvest for His divine purpose! To advance His Kingdom. That is His primary agenda all along! And we as Christians have a role to play. That is to share the biblical truth. We need to equip ourselves well with the Word so we know how to answer their questions with the biblical truth! And I believe many people will get to know more about the true Christianity teaching… hehe.

Be fed with the Word of God so u know how to answer in a way that they understand. 🙂 My advice is don’t be too spiritual in the way u answer, as they will not understand. Spiritnya ga nangkep gitu. Karena yah emang Spiritnya belon direvive ama Jesus, ya ga nyambung AEHuAEHuAE.

ROCK ON!!! this is a great great opportunity!!! 😀 😀

22 Responses to “‘Behind the scene’ of Ps. Kong Hee incident”

  1. 1 mega June 29, 2012 at 2:48 pm

    d^^b Keren Ci Nel…bahkan apa yang buat orang lain memalukan ato tragedi, bisa jadi kesempatan buat memuliakan Tuhan ya, bisa buka kesempatan seseorang dengar tentang Kekristenan. Bagaimanapun, Injil diberitakan….Huaaaa….I love it. TUHAN YESUS luar biasa….\(“,)/

  2. 3 raissa jo June 29, 2012 at 2:59 pm


  3. 5 Anonymous June 29, 2012 at 4:10 pm

    gila… i like how u twist everything

  4. 7 Nanda June 29, 2012 at 4:47 pm

    love it 😀

  5. 8 Evi June 29, 2012 at 5:45 pm

    kereeen bangeet…keep continue nell, yippiiiii *4thumbs up for you^^

  6. 10 victor June 29, 2012 at 10:50 pm

    wow i like ur response ci ! hehehe (y)

  7. 12 kezia June 30, 2012 at 12:11 am

    wowwww aku share yaa cii..
    bilang2 ci.. di singapur itu masih byk non kristen jg yaa?? mayoritas dsana apa sihh ci?

  8. 14 Ingrid Pansawira June 30, 2012 at 10:36 am

    this reminds me of rom 8:28

    And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

    thank u for sharing ci…

  9. 16 melisa June 30, 2012 at 2:15 pm

    Bener banget tuuh cii….

    btw, selama ini aku udah sering baca blog cici, malahan aku salah satu readers yang nungguin sambungan dari How I know he is the one from God’ part 8 hehehehehhee

    tapi jarang comment aja 🙂

  10. 17 Anonymous July 5, 2012 at 11:20 am

    i’m very blessed with your blog.. i believe God will use you as His mouth to spread His word around the world.. 🙂

  11. 19 desi July 5, 2012 at 12:18 pm

    nel, kalo aku mau konsultasi hal2 pribadi, bs lwt email ke kamu gak yah?? thanks in advance.. 🙂

  12. 22 luph August 29, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    tetap dukung ps kong hee…God Bless Him

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