Kurang kerjaan

Tell us about the first time you met and your first impression of him/her:

Ketemu di Novena MRT, first impression: wuitsss, tompelnya!!!!

What’s a weird habit or quirk that s/he has?:
Suka ngupil didepan gue dengan tampang yg nikmat bgt. Udah gitu, ga sadar lagi kalo gue enek ngeliatnya…

What makes him/her happy?:
cium2 bau balsem

What makes him/her sad?:
ga tau… so far sih cuma pernah dia sedih saat brantem ama ex AHeuaheuaheae

What makes him/her angry?:
suka marah2 but salah tangkep/salah paham ama orang

What excites him/her?
sales, balsem, spatu high heels

Tell us something funny about him/her:
gile.. ini mah bisa dibikin satu buku

What’s s/he like at home?:
mandi satu jam, suka nari2 ga jelas di dapur, kamar mandi, ruang tamu. Suka pake lotion ini lah itu lah. Kalo diwc, pake toilet tissuenya bejibun, cepet abis dalam beberapa hari doank. Kalo pake sabun cuci tangan, ga kira2 makenya, crot crot crot… 😀

What’s s/he like at work/school?:
at work… ga tau..

Describe his/her room:

penuh dengan bau2 aneh. Ntar bau lotion apaan, ntar bau obat Beijing 101, ntar bau balsem…

What’s his/her best friend like?:
ga tau, ga kenal

Do you know who s/he hates the most?:
kan cinta damai ga boleh hate2an

Have you met his/her exes?:

Do his/her parents like you?:
HEuaHeuaHEuahe semestinya lah ya

What’s the first thing s/he would do or say if s/he fell down and scraped their knee:
Aduhhh, high heel gueeeeeee!!!!! Yah rusak!!! Beli baru lah ntar…

what would s/he do in an emergency situation with other people involved?:

Which shop would s/he spend the most time at in a shopping mall?:
Body Shop, Zara, etc etc.. mboh

what would s/he have for a typical breakfast?:

If s/he wasn’t going out with you, who would s/he be going out with?:
yg demen shopping

What item in his/her wardrobe would you like to burn:
ada tuh celana yg pendeeeeeeekkk banget warna ijo

What is s/he good at?:
making people laugh at herself… HAUehaUehaUHeae

What is s/he totally horrible at?:
nyanyi… AHeuhAUEhaUEhAUEhAUEhUAEHauEhu 😛 (ga laaaaa, jgn sensitip gitu donk loeeee kekekekekkeekek)

What’s something about him/her that is annoying/infuriating?:
Jgn ditulis disini ntar sensitip lagi.. aHeuAHEuAHEuaheaE

What’s something that you two fundamentally disagree on?:
her ex-bf hUAEHuaheauEHaeAUeha

What’s something that you two agree whole-heartedly on?:
her covenant with me to be a sponsor of missions yg akan gue jalanin dimasa depan..

Is s/he possessive?:
Ama gue? mana mungkin

Why would s/he succeed in life?:
because she has Jesus in her… ciehhhhhhh

what is the coolest gift that s/he has ever given you?:
the ‘pajangan’ yg dia kasih ke gue for christmas present, padahal itu dikasih ama someone for her krismas present.. aHEuahEuhaeuhaE

What does s/he avoid at all costs?:
not to shop while on sale

What does s/he spend the most money on?:


Describe his/her typical sunday:
gereja, nyanyi2, loncat2, ketawa2, gosip, shopping…

Why would s/he be dangerous?:
suka ngomong tanpa mikir dulu. So bahaya skali kalo kasih tau rahasia2. Paling gampang BOCORRRRRR!!!!

Tell us about a time s/he looked absolutely gorgeous:
Tiap minggu donk.. AHeuhAUEhAUEhAUheAE 😀

What’s something about him/her that would surprise all of his/her friends?:

kayaknya ga ada de

What do you love most about him/her?:
my little joy.. HAEuhaEuAHEuhAUEhAUEha cieeeehhh ga kukuuuuuu

The biggest lesson you have learnt from loving your soulmate:
weitsss.. my soulmateeee?????


Guess who, hayooooo?
*obvious lah*

13 Responses to “Kurang kerjaan”

  1. 1 Carin December 30, 2008 at 5:52 pm

    Hmm..pas gw baca ya..keknya yg kepikirin di otak gw ci septi dehhh -_-‘ bnr ga ci?hauhauhauah

  2. 3 johan™ December 30, 2008 at 10:30 pm

    iye tuhh.. kyk ny jg ci septi.. hehehe benarkah??

  3. 5 Budi December 30, 2008 at 11:13 pm

    Septi banget

  4. 6 dhilacious January 2, 2009 at 12:00 pm

    keknya mba septi anaknya awesome yup??
    doi punya blog tinta??
    mau dong mba nelotte..

    • 7 nelotte January 2, 2009 at 12:10 pm

      HAUEhauehauEHuaeh seppppp, loe dibilang awesome tuhhhhhh…

      haiyah loe komen lah… gaya banget…

      ini yg terjadi sodara2:
      gue: sep, loe komen lah anak2 pada nebak itu loe…
      septi: wah jgn dulu donk… nunggu banyak orang yg nebak, baru gue komen…

      HAEUhaUEhuAHeaEEA… guayaaaa nyaaaaaaaaaaaa

  5. 8 nelotte January 2, 2009 at 12:11 pm

    oh ya btw dhila, septi ga ada blog… and thanks ya for sering2 kunjungin blog gue… 😀

  6. 9 dhilacious January 2, 2009 at 12:31 pm

    iyyah iyyah.
    makasii jugga mba nelotte udda bikin tulisan yg bagus2..
    GR beraaaaaaaat….

  7. 11 irene si imut January 5, 2009 at 2:25 pm


  8. 12 septy January 6, 2009 at 11:48 am

    iya emg itu gua
    tpnih ya ga semua point tuh bnr

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