Patah hatiku



Untuk memuaskan hati loe, (since loe protes gue ga taruh poto loe in my previous post) gue taruh nih poto keren loe pas Collide….






salah event ya?



Uh.. for the last 2 days, gue in shock.

Gue patah hati!!!!!!!

Sebagai seorang ibu.

I just found out ternyata anak2 youth gue hide something from me.

Pas gue tau, oh my god. Gue sampe speechless. I’m sooo heartbroken!!!!! *sob sob*. Kmaren the shock belon wear off. Skarang dah mendingan. Gue itu skarang bisa merasa hati seorang nyokap yg found out that anak2nya hide something from her. Heartbroken banget!!!!

Lebih sedih dari saat gue tau stock sambel gue abis.

Oh well… ya sutra lah.. I still love them the same. But yah sempet disappointed aja sih. 😦

Bikin gue jadi intropeksi diri gue sendiri. Knapa kok mesti harus sembunyiin dari gue. Mungkin gue terlalu keras? 😦 *sob sob*


Inilah jeritan hati seorang ibu yg lagi patah hatinya. Uhuk uhuk.

Jadi smakin ngerti salah satu tantangan seorang ibu. You wanna do the best thing for the kids. Yg you know if they do the opposite, its not the best thing for them. Then kita tegas soal itu karena we want to protect them from all the pain. But itu malah bikin mereka hide things from u and do that exact opposite thing.

But I was also reminded pas Ko Joseph gave us leadership training. Dia bilang, we still allow those under us to make mistake. Kalo mereka ngotot ya kita as leaders bisa gimana lagi gitu. It’s their decision and their life kan. So yah, what I learned juga, I can only do much and pray that God bener2 protect them and always light up their path, supaya ga ngawur2.

If they still insist to do that opposite thing, ya sutra. But definitely mereka akan pay the price. Nah that price yg gue sebenernya ga pingin mereka bayar. But yah, I believe mereka akan learn something juga sih if they still wanna go ahead. Ada salah satu anak youth yg kmaren ini ngomong ke gue,”iya ci, skarang gue ngerti yg cici bilang ttg semua itu. Skarang beneran gue pay the price”

And someone else juga kmaren said to me, tenkiu for sering2 nasehatin dia dulu ttg this specific matter. Dulu masuk telinga kiri keluar telinga kanan. Skarang dia ngerti apa yg gue maksud. And she’s paying the price too now. And kerasa sakit banget.

So yeah, I guess. There will be a time where they will understand lah that we meant well. Its for their best. Untuk itu kayaknya mereka harus ngalamin dulu. So yah udah loh… all I can say, All The Best, Man!!! I still love you guys the same kok. πŸ˜€ hehehehe.

Apa sih.

Some of you pasti ga ngerti postingan gue hari ini ngomongin soal apa. But some of you pasti tau apa yg gue maksud. πŸ˜›

Yah meskipun I don’t agree with what you do, but no matter wat, mommy still love you and always be here for you.

owwww.. so sweeeeettttt… HAEUhAUEhUAEHuAEHuaHE.. merinding banget ga sih ngomongnya

Tapi beneran, gue lagi diajarin Tuhan ttg jadi seorang ibu nih ceritanya HAUEhAUEHuAHEaE.. so its cool buat latian di masa depan. πŸ˜›

14 Responses to “Patah hatiku”

  1. 1 Carin(: July 29, 2008 at 4:55 am

    ci..gua ga ngerti..-_-’emanknya ada apa seh?

  2. 2 nelotte July 29, 2008 at 5:05 am

    Haha.. hanya untuk orang dewasa….


  3. 3 ivon July 29, 2008 at 5:45 am

    ci aku kog jg gak ngerti…..aku kan sudah dewasa

  4. 4 ivon July 29, 2008 at 5:46 am

    *ralat* perasaan cici aku mengerti tapi yg cici ngomongin apaan aku gak ngerti..hauhauhaua blur blur…

  5. 5 nelotte July 29, 2008 at 5:56 am

    HAUEHuAHEuae ga ngerti ya sudah.. tapi orang2 yg bersangkutan mestinya ngerti deh hhehe

  6. 6 sherlivia July 29, 2008 at 4:53 pm

    uhmmm…kayanya se ngerti dehhh…(tidak bersangkutan)

  7. 7 chinkz July 29, 2008 at 5:36 pm

    emang what happened ci??

  8. 8 Felicitas Nugracitos July 30, 2008 at 12:20 pm

    waahh ci, ternyata lu masi inget yg gw omongin. lu bener man πŸ™‚ thanks for being the best mom for us. love u mommmmmm :-*

  9. 9 Felicitas Nugracitos July 30, 2008 at 12:22 pm

    btw PLEASE DEH FOTO NYAAAAAA….. MENCORENG NAMA BAIK GW!! LU PASANG POTO YG CANTIK NAPE??? T.T readers, sbenernya muka gw lebih cantik drpd itu deh. tenang aja….. T.T

  10. 10 Abon sapi July 30, 2008 at 1:55 pm

    i love u too ci

  11. 11 nelotte July 30, 2008 at 2:19 pm

    posting kali ini bertebaran cinta… AHeuAHEuaHeaE πŸ˜€

  12. 12 Carin(: August 2, 2008 at 5:17 am

    keknya gua dah ngerti ci..AHAHAHAH!!ternyata gua pinter jg bersangkutan tp bisa ngerti wkakkaka!!=p

  13. 13 dianne November 4, 2011 at 9:21 pm

    Soal pacaran?

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